Why We?

Because we all were created with greatness!!

Friday, July 29, 2011


Greetings Global Villagers & Urban Angels, LLC:

It's another Flying-By-Friday!! The Urban Angels have landed again. This time they've landed on the Preach My Sister (P.M.S.)!! Facebook group for women only.

Many of the posts in P.M.S. relate to yesterday's Thriving-In-Transition Thursday, topic of remaining connected to the Source. The awesome thing about P.M.S. is that it is a very confidential and supportive group of spiritual women. Whenever a Sister is experiencing a life transition, she can always post her need for support. Most times, her Sisters will encourage her to reconnect with the Source.

Through prayer, words of affirmation, and connection to the Source, Sisters of P.M.S. make the necessary transitions to thrive and overcome. The use of Facebook has helped Sisters build their support system in unique and creative ways. You should consider joining the Urban Angels, LLC Facebook group.


Because God created each Urban Angel to fly by with greatness!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thriving-In-Transition Thursday!!

Greetings Global Villagers:

It's another Thriving-in-Transition Thursday!!

For the last few weeks, we have been discussing Marcia Perkins-Reed's perspective of being a Coper, which is a term that describes those of us who have "chosen immature and maladaptive strategies" [to manage life]" (p. 32).  Some Coper characteristics are disconnection from spirituality, no sense of purpose, and rigid attitudes, to name a few.

I wanted us to discuss the disconnection from spirituality as a Coper characteristic. I believe it has a direct impact on us fulfilling the greatness in our own shoes. Those of us that are disconnected from spirituality, lack the roots from which to draw strength for support as life transitions occur (p. 35).

In order for us to thrive-in-transition, we must surrender to and connect with God!! Also, we can not fulfill the greatness in our own shoes if we are disconnected.  Just like we can not light up our homes if the lamp cords are disconnected from the wall sockets, we can not fulfill the greatness in our own shoes if we are disconnected from spirituality.

So, let's thrive-in-transition and be great by connecting with the Source!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wonderfully-Sexual Wednesday!!

Happy Hump Day Global Villagers:

Last Wonderfully-Sexual Wednesday, we discussed that we are multidimensional with spiritual, as well as sexual beings. As we know, our sexuality consists of five circles, which are Intimacy, Sensuality, Sexual Identity, Sexual Health and Reproduction, and Sexualization.

However, let's consider this: Why were we created as sexual beings?  What is the original intent of our sexuality?

Let's talk about this!! I would love to hear your thoughts/beliefs!! Please comment below!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Introspective Tuesday!!

Greetings Global Villagers,

It's Introspective Tuesday!!  Let's reconsider the following quote by Boyte & Kari (1994) from this week's Magnificent Monday, 
"The way people imagine what they can and ought to do powerfully shapes how they act" (p. 25).
Let's think back to when we were 16-years old. What was the most important thing to us during that time? Was it school, sports, our boyfriend/girlfriend, place of worship, or friends? Now, let's think back to when we were 25-years old considering the same question?  What was important to us? Again, but now let's consider us at our present age? How have our actions changed from age 16 to the present? 

Do we agree that our thoughts at age 16 were the driving force of our actions? Now that we are adults, let's consider what drives us? Is it our careers, family, financial security, a greater good, spiritual well-being, or health and fitness? 

The point I'm trying to make is that we behave according to our thoughts. My challenge is for us to ponder what we are thinking about. If we do so, then we will discover that what we think about the most is manifested in our actions.

So, on this Introspective Tuesday, let's think about what we are thinking about...


Because God created us with the power to shape our greatness!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Magnificent Monday!!

Greetings Global Villagers:

On this Magnificent Monday, we will consider the following quote from Building America: The Democratic Promise of Public Work by Harry C. Boyte and Nancy N. Kari,

"The way people imagine what they can and ought to do powerfully shapes how they act" (p. 25).
Remember when we talked about the fact that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are directly connected.  We are not only what we eat; we are and do according to what we think. If we think that we are going to have a bad day, then we will have a bad day. If we think that we are powerless to make any changes on our jobs or in our personal lives, then we close ourselves off to the possibilities of transformation and revolution.

Let's consider the social problem of homelessness, for example. A new organization by the name of We Feed the Homeless Philly, grew to over 500 supporters and volunteers in a little over a year. Why? Because the Founder and CEO, Craig Stroman, decided that he had to and could feed the homeless. His imagination, not only renewed the vision for his life, yet it powerfully sparked the latent possibilities in others to do public work.

So on this Magnificent Monday, I want us to think about how we can powerfully transform and revolutionize our world for the greater good.


Because God created us with the power to fulfill our greatness!!