Why We?

Because we all were created with greatness!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thriving-In-Transition Thursday!!

Greetings Global Villagers:

I'm excited about how we are thriving-in-transition!!

Last week, we discussed Marcia Perkins-Reed's perspective of being a Coper, which is a term that describes those of us who have "chosen immature and maladaptive strategies" [to manage life]" (p. 32). Perkins-Reed also stated that Copers "are achievement oriented...[they] place an unwarranted emphasis on external things and less attention on relationships, hopes, desires and passions, and innate creative abilities" (p. 46). 

This is a perfect addition to our discussion on Canfield, Hansen, & Hewitt's (2000) B-ALERT strategy from this Magnificent Monday. Those of us who are Copers do not channel our power to focus on bringing balance into our lives. Some ways to identify if we are Copers is to ask ourselves the following questions:
  1. Am I a workaholic?
  2. How much emphasis do I put on achieving my goals? Is it at the expense of my relationships?
  3. Can I identify myself other than as my professional role, job title, or business venture?
  4. Do I choose work over family, friends, vacation, etc.
All of us receive satisfaction from being successful. However, few of us enjoy the pleasures of living a balanced life. For those of us that do, it's because we have channeled our power to focus on the things that matter the most, our relationships, hopes, etc. 

For those of us who identified as Copers, we should reconsider the B-ALERT strategy. It's a good way to begin channeling our power to focus on balancing our lives and living effectively as life transitions.


Because God has created us with the greatness to thrive-in-transition!!

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