Why We?

Because we all were created with greatness!!

Friday, July 22, 2011


Greetings Global Villagers and Urban Angels, LLC:

It's another Flying-By-Friday!! Has anyone seen any Angels lately? 

A few weeks ago they landed at a quaint spot in East Falls. I got word that some of them landed at the Campbell's Ballpark for the 4th Annual Indoor/Outdoor White Linen Affair Cancer/Leo Birthday Bash in Camden, NJ.  They helped Chef Smiley of Happy Face Catering celebrate his birthday. This event was a perfect place for them to land since it called for all white attire.

Urban Angels, LLC loves to land and share moments of laughter. Let's continue on the discussion that we've been having this week about balance. The various landings that we share about on Flying-By-Fridays are ways that the Angels channel their power to focus on building relationships with each other.

This is so important to remember when using social media networks. Yes, it is great for us to "Friend", "Follow", "Connect", and "Like" each other. However, as we all know, relationships are truly built from face to face interactions. Relationships become stronger when we transfer the connections that are established from cyberspace into our physical space where we utilize our senses to maximize our moments.

Remember, one way to bring balance into our lives is by focusing on the things that matter most, which are relationships.


Because God created each Urban Angel to fly by with greatness!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thriving-In-Transition Thursday!!

Greetings Global Villagers:

I'm excited about how we are thriving-in-transition!!

Last week, we discussed Marcia Perkins-Reed's perspective of being a Coper, which is a term that describes those of us who have "chosen immature and maladaptive strategies" [to manage life]" (p. 32). Perkins-Reed also stated that Copers "are achievement oriented...[they] place an unwarranted emphasis on external things and less attention on relationships, hopes, desires and passions, and innate creative abilities" (p. 46). 

This is a perfect addition to our discussion on Canfield, Hansen, & Hewitt's (2000) B-ALERT strategy from this Magnificent Monday. Those of us who are Copers do not channel our power to focus on bringing balance into our lives. Some ways to identify if we are Copers is to ask ourselves the following questions:
  1. Am I a workaholic?
  2. How much emphasis do I put on achieving my goals? Is it at the expense of my relationships?
  3. Can I identify myself other than as my professional role, job title, or business venture?
  4. Do I choose work over family, friends, vacation, etc.
All of us receive satisfaction from being successful. However, few of us enjoy the pleasures of living a balanced life. For those of us that do, it's because we have channeled our power to focus on the things that matter the most, our relationships, hopes, etc. 

For those of us who identified as Copers, we should reconsider the B-ALERT strategy. It's a good way to begin channeling our power to focus on balancing our lives and living effectively as life transitions.


Because God has created us with the greatness to thrive-in-transition!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wonderfully-Sexual Wednesday!!

Happy Hump Day Global Villagers:

Do you know that you are wonderfully-sexual? Yes, you are! Do you really understand what I mean when I say that you are wonderfully-sexual?  No? Well, let me explain!!

We are multi-dimensional beings. We are spiritual beings who reside in physical bodies that possess souls. Our souls comprise of our emotional, psychological, and social beings, in which all work together as organic, unique, and dynamic micro-systems. Pastor Creflo Dollar shared in his April/May 2010 newsletter article titled, The Soul/Spirit Connection, something very similar. He also wrote that "our souls are made up of our mind, will, and emotions."

Included in our souls is our sexual beings. As we know our sexual beings are made up of five circles, which are Intimacy, Sensuality, Sexual Identity, Sexual Health and Reproduction, and Sexualization.   Like other parts of us, our sexual beings are multi-dimensional. There is more to our sexual beings than our sexual orientation, like being heterosexual, for example, or having a high-sex drive. Looking at our sexuality from this angle stirs up thoughts full of wonder!!


Because God wonderfully created every aspect of us with greatness!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Introspective Tuesday!!

Happy Introspective Tuesday Global Villagers:

OMG, where do I begin?

I have so many different directions that I want to take us on this Introspective Tuesday!!  Because I need to focus on one topic of introspection I think I will stick with the inspiration from this week's Magnificent Monday. We began discussing ways to be successful explained by Canfield, Hansen, & Hewitt (2000), the authors of The Power of Focus.

It's going to be short and sweet on this Introspective Tuesday!! In order to be successful, we must develop and focus on accomplishing our goals. Remember back on a Magnificent Monday when we were challenged to write a 10-year life plan? Did you take the challenge seriously? If you didn't, then why? 

Let's calmly channel our power to focus on fulfilling the greatness in our own shoes!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Magnificent Monday!!

Greetings Global Villagers:

It's another Magnificent Monday and we will be discussing the power of focus!!

Canfield, Hansen, & Hewitt (2000), the authors of The Power of Focus stated that the main reason why people are unsuccessful is because they lack focus. They developed 10 strategies that I think can help us to fulfill the greatness in our own shoes. Those of us who channel our power to focus on what we want will be successful and prosperous.

Balancing family, business, personal time, friendships, exercise, and other activities takes effort. We can become easily distracted by life's pressures. Canfield, Hansen, & Hewitt (2000), developed the B-ALERT strategy to help us remain focused on creating the optimum balance of life:

B-lueprint: Develop a daily strategic plan for our priorities, appointments, and projects. Review our plan nightly or early every morning.

A-ction: Concentrate on the most important activities that will move us towards accomplishing our goals.

L-earning: Expand our knowledge through reading materials, watching DVDs, building relationships with mentors, and taking courses.

E-xercise: Take control of our longevity. Re-energize ourselves by exercising for 30 minutes daily.

R-elaxation: Eliminate daily stress, take naps, meditate, listen to music, and spend time with friends and family. 

T-hink: Take time to reflect on the day. Review goals, visualize the future, develop new ideas, and use a journal.

So, let's channel our power to focus and B-ALERT.


Because it's a Magnificent Monday and we have the power to fulfill our greatness!!