Why We?

Because we all were created with greatness!!

Friday, July 8, 2011


Greetings Global Villagers and Urban Angels, LLC:

What's up? I trust everyone had a great week, especially since it was a short one!!

One of the Angels of Preach My Sister (PMS), the for women only Facebook group of Urban Angels, LLC, and I landed at a quaint spot in East Falls. During our time together, we talked, ate, laughed, cried, exhorted, educated, enlightened, and even checked one another. It always fascinates me to connect with other women on what I consider to be 'gut level.' Very rarely do I find a woman who is willing to expose herself with another woman, especially one that she does not know. Better yet, a woman will not expose herself to another woman whom she met via Facebook.

Most times, women operate from a place of brokenness, competition, rejection, hurt, pain, mistrust, dishonesty, and pretense; consequently, they guard themselves from other women. This is not the case with PMS. The founder, Jena Williams, spreads her wings and leads the V-formation through the air for her Angels to follow. It is because of her that some of the women of PMS have met and connected. Friendships are being formed, support is being offered; love is being spread.

So on this Flying-By-Friday, I salute all of the Angels of PMS. Soar, Angels soar!!

Do I see you spreading your wings? I should be...


Because Urban Angels, LLC members fly by with greatness!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thriving-In-Transition Thursday!!

Greetings Global Villagers:

I know that you have been thriving-in-transition. I have and it has been such an awesome experience!!

Last week, we discussed how Marcia Perkins-Reed described the concept of The New Zero, which is accepting that change is the norm. On this Thriving-In-Transition Thursday, we will review ways of operating at The New Zero when circumstances in our lives shift. Remember, as life changes we must go with the flow. We can no longer manipulate our circumstances for the sake of self-comfort (p. 27).

Let's look at a few ways that we can go with the flow:
  1. Be fluid, not stable
  2. Allow room for unpredictability
  3. Know that life has multiple, simultaneous transitions
  4. Operate from a cyclical paradigm; life is not linear
  5. Be flexible
  6. Embrace diversity
  7. Take the courage to change careers if need be
  8. Stop procrastinating
  9. Be internally authentic
  10. Take self-responsibility (p.27)
So, on this Thriving-in-Transition Thursday, examine yourself. Are you operating at the baseline that will allow you to effectively live in times of change? If not, then what internal transitions do you need to make that concur with the external transitions in your life?


Because you have the greatness to thrive-in-transition!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wonderfully-Sexual Wednesdays!!

Happy Hump Day Global Villagers:

Oftentimes when I share with people that I have written two curricula on the topic of human sexuality, they are either really leery or really interested!!

It still shocks me that this topic is still so taboo when our society is inundated with sex from billboards to Prime Time TV.  Recently in late June, Governor Cuomo of New York just signed the same sex marriage bill into law. Moreover, back in April Ashley Judd disclosed her childhood sexual trauma in her memoirs titled, All That Is Bitter and Sweet. 

The point I am trying to make is that people are engaging in sex, talking about sex, Skypeing sex, sexting, abusing others sexually, etc., but they are not learning about human sexuality. The five circles of sexuality provide a clear understanding that our sexual beings function as a system. 

Advocates for Youth has created The Circles of Human Sexuality handout. Please click the link, review the handout, and comment below. Let's talk about this maturely and end the taboo.


Because every aspect of you was wonderfully created with greatness!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Introspective Tuesday!!

Greetings Global Villagers:

Boy, have I had plenty of opportunities to engage in introspection this past weekend!! I love my life! I am meeting so many different types of people and doing some great things. 

Because I am open to the life lessons from every social interaction, I glean from each person I meet. Whether I view interactions as positive or negative, I still come out better than I was before the engagement.

On this Introspective Tuesday, I want us to ponder on two words: authenticity and transparency. According to Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, to be authentic means to be real, actual, and true to one's personality and character. To be transparent means freedom from pretense and deceit and readily understood.

When you interact with people for the first time do you send your representative or are you authentic? Are you transparent and easily understood, not leaving the other person wondering what you meant or are you vague and unclear?

Let's return to living our greatest lives by following the golden rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated. If you want honest interaction, then be honest. If you want to have a clear understanding of the grounds of the new relationship, then provide clarity.  If you want to truly know the person you are dealing with, then be authentic and transparent.

Being authentic and transparent sheds light on other people's pretense and deceit. Make a vow to yourself today to allow your 'little light to shine.'


Because your greatness is authentic; so, don't darken it with pretense!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Magnificent Monday!

Greetings Global Villagers:

Not only is it a Magnificent Monday, but it's Independence Day!!

So, let's use our independence to be safe and positive; live our lives to the fullest; enjoy our family and friends; and get some much needed rest!


Because you were created with greatness!!