Why We?

Because we all were created with greatness!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thriving-In-Transition Thursday!!

Greetings Global Villagers:

I know that you have been thriving-in-transition. I have and it has been such an awesome experience!!

Last week, we discussed how Marcia Perkins-Reed described the concept of The New Zero, which is accepting that change is the norm. On this Thriving-In-Transition Thursday, we will review ways of operating at The New Zero when circumstances in our lives shift. Remember, as life changes we must go with the flow. We can no longer manipulate our circumstances for the sake of self-comfort (p. 27).

Let's look at a few ways that we can go with the flow:
  1. Be fluid, not stable
  2. Allow room for unpredictability
  3. Know that life has multiple, simultaneous transitions
  4. Operate from a cyclical paradigm; life is not linear
  5. Be flexible
  6. Embrace diversity
  7. Take the courage to change careers if need be
  8. Stop procrastinating
  9. Be internally authentic
  10. Take self-responsibility (p.27)
So, on this Thriving-in-Transition Thursday, examine yourself. Are you operating at the baseline that will allow you to effectively live in times of change? If not, then what internal transitions do you need to make that concur with the external transitions in your life?


Because you have the greatness to thrive-in-transition!!

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