Why We?

Because we all were created with greatness!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wonderfully-Sexual Wednesdays!!

Happy Hump Day Global Villagers:

Oftentimes when I share with people that I have written two curricula on the topic of human sexuality, they are either really leery or really interested!!

It still shocks me that this topic is still so taboo when our society is inundated with sex from billboards to Prime Time TV.  Recently in late June, Governor Cuomo of New York just signed the same sex marriage bill into law. Moreover, back in April Ashley Judd disclosed her childhood sexual trauma in her memoirs titled, All That Is Bitter and Sweet. 

The point I am trying to make is that people are engaging in sex, talking about sex, Skypeing sex, sexting, abusing others sexually, etc., but they are not learning about human sexuality. The five circles of sexuality provide a clear understanding that our sexual beings function as a system. 

Advocates for Youth has created The Circles of Human Sexuality handout. Please click the link, review the handout, and comment below. Let's talk about this maturely and end the taboo.


Because every aspect of you was wonderfully created with greatness!!

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