Why We?

Because we all were created with greatness!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Blind Faith??

Blind faith?? Isn't that an oxymoron?

Merrian-Webster's Learner Dictionary gives the example that faith is accepting something as true without proof or evidence. This translates that we may not understand or have the resources or information that we need at the present time to see how things will work out. We simply trust that they will.

Another way of looking at faith is the belief in what has not manifested or can be experienced with the natural senses. Our imagination and understanding have eyes. Everything that we experience with our natural senses began with a thought.  For instance, I thought about today's blog topic before I sat down and started typing. Someone thought about the design of the device, whether it is a laptop, cell phone, or IPad, that you are using to read this blog. Thus, there is no such thing as blind faith. With the eyes of our imagination and understanding, we possess the proof and evidence of everything that there is to experience in this life.

The most powerful thing that you possess are your thoughts. They are responsible for your sucesses or failures. They create your wealth or cause you to remain in poverty. You can live in the gutter or the penthouse. It's all in your thoughts. Do you want your circumstances to change?  If so, then change what you see with the eyes of your imagination and understanding.

If you can see it, then we will see it.


Because you were created with greatness!!

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