Why We?

Because we all were created with greatness!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Our Global Village

TGIF Global Villagers!!

We have seen the term global village, but where did it derive from?  What does it mean to be a global villager? The term was derived from Marshall McLuhan, author of Understanding Media. The Internet and its ever expanding usage operates as a global village. It is the 'place' where people search for affiliation and communities without physical limitations.

The global village is an ever-changing macrocosm with its own culture, economic system, language, etiquette, values, and norms.  We use mediums like Facebook, Twitter, chat rooms, blogs, Skype, and LinkedIn to network socially and professionally. We do business, post photo albums, pay our bills, and talk face-to-face with our family members 5,000 miles away. Consequently, like any other place, it has its social deviants that steal identities, do scams, hack into programs, and launch terrorist attacks with viruses

Each one of us is a part of this global village. You are not alone. Get connected. You have something that the world needs. Offer it to them in our global village. Write an Ebook or facilitate a workshop using Cisco WebEx. Global villagers, you, can change the world, literally.


Because you were created with greatness!

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