Why We?

Because we all were created with greatness!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Magnificent Mondays

It's a Magnificent Monday Global Villagers:

I hope you enjoyed your Father's Day weekend!!

It's a new day and I am thriving in transition!! I want you to thrive with me as MsLatishaHelps Blogspot transitions into greatness. Each weekday, there will be a central theme for our discussions. Today is the inception of my weekly series titled, Magnificent Mondays.

The definition of magnificent is to be great indeed or exceptionally fine. I want us to begin every workweek with this concept, which may challenge us to undergo a paradigm shift. According to cognitive behavioral therapy, a form of psychotherapy, we can overcome our difficulties by changing our thinking, behavior, and emotional responses. With that being noted, if we begin our workweek angry, frustrated, or disgusted about what occurred over the weekend or about having to return to work, then our behaviors and emotional responses will reflect those thoughts.

So, let's make it a Magnificent Monday!! Let's begin every workweek from this day forward knowing that things are great indeed or that things will turn out exceptionally fine.


Because it's a Magnificent Monday and you were created with greatness!!

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