Why We?

Because we all were created with greatness!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Thriving in Transition Thursdays

Great Day Global Villagers:

It's Thriving in Transition Thursday!!

Last week, we began to understand Marcia Perkins-Reed's concept of  operating at Old Zero, which is the denial of our inner experiences and the refusal of taking responsibility through life's transitions (p .9).  When we operate at Old Zero we are also denying and refusing personal and spiritual growth.  Perkins-Reed describes transition as, "a shift from one situation or state of being to another, whether gradual or abrupt" (p. 21).

Undergoing daily transitions or encountering life-changing events forces us to be decisive. It is up to us whether we are going to resist or to be open to and fluid with the process.  Another way to understand transitioning is to consider yourself as "passing from one state to another" (p.21).

For instance, I am a widow. I have underwent the states of being single, never married, to being married, to being separated, to being widowed. During each state, I have experienced inner and outer transitions. Each state brought its own challenges where I had to make a decision to either remain in the previous state or transition into the next state. When I was first married I had to learn to share my chocolate ice cream with my husband. This may be trivial, but I had to transition from knowing that when I came home from work that my chocolate ice cream was waiting for me to coming home with the possibility that my husband ate it.

My Old Zero operation was selfishness. It was not just about the chocolate ice cream because I quickly learned that I was selfish in other areas of our marriage. I grew personally and spiritually when I began to flow as a considerate sharer. I want to encourage you to think about the different states of being you have transitioned through. What challenges did they bring?  What did you learn about yourself during those transitions? In what areas do you see growth?


Because you have the greatness to thrive in transition!!

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