Why We?

Because we all were created with greatness!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Introspective Tuesday!!

Greetings Global Villagers:

On this Introspective Tuesday, we will focus specifically on triggers.

The term trigger is used in several contexts. Those in the recovery community use the term trigger in reference to people, places, or things that evoke the desire to return to drugs and/or alcohol use. To avoid relapse, those in recovery are taught how to deal with their triggers. The first step is to identify those things in life that tempt them to use drugs and/or alcohol.

The term trigger is also used by those who are grieving a loss. Certain movies, smells, places, pictures,  activities, or songs may trigger one's thoughts about their deceased loved one. These types of triggers can occur unexpectedly. For instance, my mother seasoned her food with oregano more often than anyone cared for. Seven years after her death while I was cooking dinner at a friend's house, I grabbed the oregano and began seasoning my food. I immediately burst into tears. Unbeknown to me, that was the first time I smelled oregano since her death. Unconsciously, I stopped using oregano because it reminded me of my mother. On that day, my grief was triggered and I experienced the feelings associated with losing her.

The point I'm trying to make on this Introspective Tuesday is that we are all triggered by someone or something.  Most times, what others say or do, certain places, or specific things evoke adverse feelings or responses within us. When feelings or responses are brought to the surface we have to introspectively ask ourselves, "What is going on within me that is causing me to be in this state?" "Why is this (person, place, thing, or circumstance) bothering me?"

Please ponder the following concept:
"It's never about other people or external circumstances. It's always about us and the problem lies within us. Until we look within ourselves and figure out what needs to be sorted through, we will always be triggered in that area, wherever that area is."


Because you must address anything that hinders the fulfillment of your greatness!!

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