Why We?

Because we all were created with greatness!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wonderfully-Sexual Wednesday!!

Happy Hump Day Global Villagers:

Instead of picking up where we left off from last week, I want us to continue on the topic of triggers from this week's Introspective Tuesday blog spot!

As we've shared on yesterday, the term trigger is used within the recovery community. In addition, people who are grieving may be triggered by something that reminds them of their deceased loved one. On this Wonderfully-Sexual Wednesday, let's discuss how people who have been sexually traumatized may be triggered.

Sexual trauma refers to sexual situations, in which we are unprepared for, that cause intense fear, powerlessness, shame, and guilt. People who have been sexually traumatized are left to deal with long-term emotional, psychological, and interpersonal problems, to name a few. Triggers from sexual trauma are automatic responses to present-day stimuli.

Like we discussed on yesterday, triggers of sexual trauma can be experienced as adverse emotions. Moreover, some triggers from sexual trauma may be experienced as physical sensations in the body. Even certain sexual acts can trigger our sexual trauma. Some people who have experienced sexual trauma may also experience post-traumatic stress disorder, known as PTSD, which is a type of anxiety disorder that is triggered by a traumatic event.

The Sexualization Circle of the Five Circles of Sexuality by the Advocates for Youth, refers to the use of sexuality to influence, control, or manipulate others. Forms of sexualization range from rape, incest, sexual harassment, withholding sex, to seduction and/or flirting. If a person has experienced sexual trauma, then the other person used his or her sexuality as a form of control.

To learn more about how present-day stimuli may trigger your past sexual trauma, consider taking my 8-session psycho-educational intervention titled, Demystifying Sexuality and the Impact of Trauma. For more information, please feel free to contact me at helpingyou@latishaferrara.com.


Because every aspect of you was wonderfully created with greatness!!

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