Greetings Global Villagers:
I want to thank each of you for following and supporting Ms. Latisha Helps blog!!
It has been a pleasure to share this leg of our journey together. I trust that something I shared over the past 10 weeks was helpful. Remember to never give up on your destiny!!
Because you were created with greatness!!
Why We?
Because we all were created with greatness!!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Thriving-In-Transition Thursday!!
Greetings Global Villagers:
For our final Thriving-in-Transition Thursday we will look at the concept of a Thriver!!
We have been discussing Marcia Perkins-Reed's perspective of being a Coper. However, her purpose for writing the book was to help us learn how to thrive in transition. Perkins-Reed's concept of being a Thriver is one who is attentive, grounded, trusts and has emotional balance, has proactive purpose, is optimistic and confident, and thinks holistically and from a systems perspective (p. 68).
We've had the opportunity to assess if we have the characteristics of a Coper. Now, I want us to evaluate if we are Thrivers. Let's consider this point made by Perkins-Reed:
Remember when we were challenged to write a 10-year life vision. One of my goals on my 10-year life vision was to have completed my doctoral studies. In order to accomplish this goal, I must be proactive, which means that I must let go of some things now.
In closing this last Thriving-In-Transition Thursday post, I want us to remember that we can thrive during life's many transitions. Making tough decisions and letting go of some things are two ingredients in fulfilling the greatness in our own shoes, which is our ultimate life's purpose!!
For our final Thriving-in-Transition Thursday we will look at the concept of a Thriver!!
We have been discussing Marcia Perkins-Reed's perspective of being a Coper. However, her purpose for writing the book was to help us learn how to thrive in transition. Perkins-Reed's concept of being a Thriver is one who is attentive, grounded, trusts and has emotional balance, has proactive purpose, is optimistic and confident, and thinks holistically and from a systems perspective (p. 68).
We've had the opportunity to assess if we have the characteristics of a Coper. Now, I want us to evaluate if we are Thrivers. Let's consider this point made by Perkins-Reed:
"Thrivers know that 'when one door closes, another opens,' and they then move masterfully into to next phase of their transition" (p. 228).So for me, the door to complete my doctoral studies has opened, which means I have to close some other doors in my life, including Ms. Latisha Helps blog. As I've been sharing, it was a difficult decision to make to have to let go of this blog and my position at The Examiner/Philadelphia. However, I must masterfully move into the phase of focusing most of my attention on writing my dissertation. Also, to thrive during this transition, I must trust that I've made the right decision and I have to remain emotionally balanced. I must admit this transition evoked anxiety, anger, and pride, to name a few. Yet, I have a purpose.
Remember when we were challenged to write a 10-year life vision. One of my goals on my 10-year life vision was to have completed my doctoral studies. In order to accomplish this goal, I must be proactive, which means that I must let go of some things now.
In closing this last Thriving-In-Transition Thursday post, I want us to remember that we can thrive during life's many transitions. Making tough decisions and letting go of some things are two ingredients in fulfilling the greatness in our own shoes, which is our ultimate life's purpose!!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Wonderfully-Sexual Wednesday!!
Happy Hump Day Global Villagers:
On our last Wonderfully-Sexual Wednesday, I want to share with you how I came up with the name and topic for Wednesdays.
Psalm 139:14 explains that each one of us was fearfully and wonderfully made by God. We are full of wonder and need to fully understand that. Thus, the posts on Wonderfully-Sexual Wednesdays were never supposed to be about sex or being sexy. The posts were written to admonish us on how wonderful God created each of us to be, including our sexual beings.
On that note, always remember that you were wonderfully created with greatness!!
On our last Wonderfully-Sexual Wednesday, I want to share with you how I came up with the name and topic for Wednesdays.
Psalm 139:14 explains that each one of us was fearfully and wonderfully made by God. We are full of wonder and need to fully understand that. Thus, the posts on Wonderfully-Sexual Wednesdays were never supposed to be about sex or being sexy. The posts were written to admonish us on how wonderful God created each of us to be, including our sexual beings.
On that note, always remember that you were wonderfully created with greatness!!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Introspective Tuesday!!
Greetings Global Villagers:
Well, for our last Introspective Tuesday, we will continue the discussion on letting go.
Did you consider the people, things, or thought patterns that The Still Small Voice told you to let go of? If you didn't, what are you afraid of?
Everyday, we have the power to exercise our free will and choice. Ponder on what is most important to you. I hope it is your destiny...
What do you need to let go of to reach your destiny? Selah...
Because it may be the very thing that is hindering you from fulfilling the greatness in your own shoes!!
Well, for our last Introspective Tuesday, we will continue the discussion on letting go.
Did you consider the people, things, or thought patterns that The Still Small Voice told you to let go of? If you didn't, what are you afraid of?
Everyday, we have the power to exercise our free will and choice. Ponder on what is most important to you. I hope it is your destiny...
What do you need to let go of to reach your destiny? Selah...
Because it may be the very thing that is hindering you from fulfilling the greatness in your own shoes!!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Magnificent Monday!!
Greetings Global Villagers:
Well, I must inform everyone that it's our last Magnificent Monday together!!
If you really know me, then you know that I am transparent and authentic!! I must be honest; I was so concerned about my image and credibility that I was going against my intuition when I heard "Stop blogging!"
When I heard That Still Small Voice whisper to me to "Stop blogging" my original thought was that I was fighting the old beast of being a quitter. However, the beast I was fighting was pride. I went so far to try to uphold my image and credibility that I asked four awesome women to be guest contributors to assist me in maintaining the blog. Needless to say, I am still eating humble pie!!
Last week, we discussed making decisions. I shared about my transitions in prioritizing the completion of my doctoral degree. During our last week together and as we bring the Why we? blog to a close, we will be discussing the importance of letting go.
There are times in life that we must let go. We do not even realize the grip that people, things, circumstances, behaviors, thought patterns, etc. have on us until we are faced with making tough decisions. So on this Magnificent Monday, let's consider letting go. Sometimes, we may even have to let go of things that we consider as good or positive. Whatever it is, follow your intuition!! Do not hesitate any longer!! Let it go!!
Because it may be the very thing that is hindering you from fulfilling the greatness in your own shoes!!
Well, I must inform everyone that it's our last Magnificent Monday together!!
If you really know me, then you know that I am transparent and authentic!! I must be honest; I was so concerned about my image and credibility that I was going against my intuition when I heard "Stop blogging!"
When I heard That Still Small Voice whisper to me to "Stop blogging" my original thought was that I was fighting the old beast of being a quitter. However, the beast I was fighting was pride. I went so far to try to uphold my image and credibility that I asked four awesome women to be guest contributors to assist me in maintaining the blog. Needless to say, I am still eating humble pie!!
Last week, we discussed making decisions. I shared about my transitions in prioritizing the completion of my doctoral degree. During our last week together and as we bring the Why we? blog to a close, we will be discussing the importance of letting go.
There are times in life that we must let go. We do not even realize the grip that people, things, circumstances, behaviors, thought patterns, etc. have on us until we are faced with making tough decisions. So on this Magnificent Monday, let's consider letting go. Sometimes, we may even have to let go of things that we consider as good or positive. Whatever it is, follow your intuition!! Do not hesitate any longer!! Let it go!!
Because it may be the very thing that is hindering you from fulfilling the greatness in your own shoes!!
Friday, August 5, 2011
TGIF Global Villagers and Urban Angels, LLC:
As we close this week out on the topic of making decisions, I had to make a tough decision to leave Urban Angels, LLC, one of the most unique Facebook social groups!!
The demands placed on me to finish my doctoral education are great. I must put first things first!! I truly appreciate all of the wonderful Angels I've met. It has been a pleasure to connect, socialize, pay it forward, and land in various places around Philadelphia.
Remember, there are times that we will have to say goodbye to some, rearrange our schedules, and make difficult decisions in order for us to fulfill our greatness. Please be on the lookout as I recreate the Why we? blog to accommodate my new priorities. I have some exciting changes underway!!
Jena, Terrance, Jacqueline, Julia, and Boss Cannon, I admonish each of you to continue to fly by with greatness!!
As we close this week out on the topic of making decisions, I had to make a tough decision to leave Urban Angels, LLC, one of the most unique Facebook social groups!!
The demands placed on me to finish my doctoral education are great. I must put first things first!! I truly appreciate all of the wonderful Angels I've met. It has been a pleasure to connect, socialize, pay it forward, and land in various places around Philadelphia.
Remember, there are times that we will have to say goodbye to some, rearrange our schedules, and make difficult decisions in order for us to fulfill our greatness. Please be on the lookout as I recreate the Why we? blog to accommodate my new priorities. I have some exciting changes underway!!
Jena, Terrance, Jacqueline, Julia, and Boss Cannon, I admonish each of you to continue to fly by with greatness!!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Thriving-In-Transition Thursday!!
Greetings Global Villagers:
It's another Thriving-in-Transition Thursday!!
As we know, the discussion for the week has been about making decisions. I am in a major transition. I am at the last leg of my doctoral journey; I'm writing my dissertation!!
This is a joyful and exciting, yet anxious season of my life. It's joyful and exciting because in 2006 I set a goal to obtain my doctoral degree. Now in 2011, I have almost obtained my goal. I am fighting the temptation to become anxious because I have an external time crunch. I was pacing myself to finish my education by a certain date. However, as we all have experienced, circumstances have set the date for me.
In order for me to thrive in transition, I had to make some major decisions. One of those decisions is concerning this blog. The dilemma was: Do I stop blogging to better manage the activities within my time or do I recreate the way I write my blog? After an encouraging conversation with a powerful woman by the name of Monica Wildes, she suggested for me to seek out Guest Contributors to help me maintain my blog while I complete my doctoral education. I took her suggestion and I am making some decisions on how the blog will be published for the next few months. I truly appreciate her. Thanks Monica!!!!!
On that note, we have been discussing Marcia Perkins-Reed's perspective of being a Coper. Another Coper characteristic is to have no sense of purpose, which means those of us who are copers have "no guiding principles to steer us through the life" (p. 37).
Needless to say that Ms. Latisha Helps blog has a purpose. Its title, Why we? ignites us to ponder. However, I answer the question by stating, "Because we were all created with greatness!!" During this season, I need others to help me fulfill my greatness by finishing my doctoral degree.
So, my purpose is to thrive during this transition while I write my dissertation by partnering with like-minded people who are also fulfilling their greatness!!
It's another Thriving-in-Transition Thursday!!
As we know, the discussion for the week has been about making decisions. I am in a major transition. I am at the last leg of my doctoral journey; I'm writing my dissertation!!
This is a joyful and exciting, yet anxious season of my life. It's joyful and exciting because in 2006 I set a goal to obtain my doctoral degree. Now in 2011, I have almost obtained my goal. I am fighting the temptation to become anxious because I have an external time crunch. I was pacing myself to finish my education by a certain date. However, as we all have experienced, circumstances have set the date for me.
In order for me to thrive in transition, I had to make some major decisions. One of those decisions is concerning this blog. The dilemma was: Do I stop blogging to better manage the activities within my time or do I recreate the way I write my blog? After an encouraging conversation with a powerful woman by the name of Monica Wildes, she suggested for me to seek out Guest Contributors to help me maintain my blog while I complete my doctoral education. I took her suggestion and I am making some decisions on how the blog will be published for the next few months. I truly appreciate her. Thanks Monica!!!!!
On that note, we have been discussing Marcia Perkins-Reed's perspective of being a Coper. Another Coper characteristic is to have no sense of purpose, which means those of us who are copers have "no guiding principles to steer us through the life" (p. 37).
Needless to say that Ms. Latisha Helps blog has a purpose. Its title, Why we? ignites us to ponder. However, I answer the question by stating, "Because we were all created with greatness!!" During this season, I need others to help me fulfill my greatness by finishing my doctoral degree.
So, my purpose is to thrive during this transition while I write my dissertation by partnering with like-minded people who are also fulfilling their greatness!!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Wonderfully-Sexual Wednesday!!
Happy Hump Day Global Villagers!!
Our topic this week is making decisions and putting first things first.
As we learned on last Wonderfully-Sexual Wednesday, we were created as sexual beings. To better understand our sexuality we must consider God's original intent in making this aspect of our humanity. A point to ponder is, did God make us as sexual beings with the intent and for the sole purpose of procreation within a conjugal union? If we believe this concept, then does our sexual decision-making process reflect this paradigm?
In putting first things first, even when addressing our human sexuality, it is wise to make informed decisions based on intent and purpose. My curriculum titled, Demystifying Sexuality and the Impact of Trauma: An 8-Session Psycho-Educational Intervention, provides an in-depth look at our sexuality to help us formulate or even reformulate our paradigm concerning this matter.
Remember to put first things first, original intent and purpose, in making all decisions, including decisions about our sexual beings.
Because God created us as wonderful beings with the ability to make informed decisions!!
Our topic this week is making decisions and putting first things first.
As we learned on last Wonderfully-Sexual Wednesday, we were created as sexual beings. To better understand our sexuality we must consider God's original intent in making this aspect of our humanity. A point to ponder is, did God make us as sexual beings with the intent and for the sole purpose of procreation within a conjugal union? If we believe this concept, then does our sexual decision-making process reflect this paradigm?
In putting first things first, even when addressing our human sexuality, it is wise to make informed decisions based on intent and purpose. My curriculum titled, Demystifying Sexuality and the Impact of Trauma: An 8-Session Psycho-Educational Intervention, provides an in-depth look at our sexuality to help us formulate or even reformulate our paradigm concerning this matter.
Remember to put first things first, original intent and purpose, in making all decisions, including decisions about our sexual beings.
Because God created us as wonderful beings with the ability to make informed decisions!!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Introspective Tuesday!!
Greetings Global Villagers:
I've been in a state of introspection since this past Sunday!! So many positive changes have occurred in my life since the turn of the year and century. I have been in a constant state of transition.
But I must slow down a bit. I must put first things first. My question for this Introspective Tuesday is how do we know which things to put first. Let's consider the following scenarios:
What decisions are you faced with making today? Please connect with us by sharing your thoughts in the Comments section below.
Because God created us with the greatness to make a decision!!
I've been in a state of introspection since this past Sunday!! So many positive changes have occurred in my life since the turn of the year and century. I have been in a constant state of transition.
But I must slow down a bit. I must put first things first. My question for this Introspective Tuesday is how do we know which things to put first. Let's consider the following scenarios:
- If we are starting a new business, then should we first focus on networking or developing our business plan?
- If we are trying to lose weight, then should we first focus on eating healthy, doing cardio, or weight training?
- If we are trying to secure our financial future, then should we first focus on saving money or paying off our debt?
What decisions are you faced with making today? Please connect with us by sharing your thoughts in the Comments section below.
Because God created us with the greatness to make a decision!!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Magnificent Monday!!
Greetings Global Villagers:
Wow!! It has been two months since I began to connect with you through Ms. Latisha Helps blogspot. It has been such a wonderful experience to thrive during this transition of growth as a blogger.
My thought-provoking topics have challenged us, yes us, to fulfill the greatness in our own shoes. Well, I've come to a pivotal point in my life where I have to make some decisions. I must fulfill the greatness in my own shoes by completing my doctoral education.
We have been discussing every week day the importance of setting goals, remaining balanced, connecting to the Source, and thriving while in transition. Also, we have accepted the fact that change is inevitable. When circumstances in our outer world change, then we need to make the necessary adjustments and connect with the Source in order for us to thrive. Also, we need to prioritize things in our lives to ensure that we remain balanced while achieving our goals.
With that being stated I will be making some exciting changes to the blog. I look forward to us transitioning together!!
Because God created each of us with the ability to fulfill the greatness in our own shoes!!
Wow!! It has been two months since I began to connect with you through Ms. Latisha Helps blogspot. It has been such a wonderful experience to thrive during this transition of growth as a blogger.
My thought-provoking topics have challenged us, yes us, to fulfill the greatness in our own shoes. Well, I've come to a pivotal point in my life where I have to make some decisions. I must fulfill the greatness in my own shoes by completing my doctoral education.
We have been discussing every week day the importance of setting goals, remaining balanced, connecting to the Source, and thriving while in transition. Also, we have accepted the fact that change is inevitable. When circumstances in our outer world change, then we need to make the necessary adjustments and connect with the Source in order for us to thrive. Also, we need to prioritize things in our lives to ensure that we remain balanced while achieving our goals.
With that being stated I will be making some exciting changes to the blog. I look forward to us transitioning together!!
Because God created each of us with the ability to fulfill the greatness in our own shoes!!
Friday, July 29, 2011
Greetings Global Villagers & Urban Angels, LLC:
It's another Flying-By-Friday!! The Urban Angels have landed again. This time they've landed on the Preach My Sister (P.M.S.)!! Facebook group for women only.
Many of the posts in P.M.S. relate to yesterday's Thriving-In-Transition Thursday, topic of remaining connected to the Source. The awesome thing about P.M.S. is that it is a very confidential and supportive group of spiritual women. Whenever a Sister is experiencing a life transition, she can always post her need for support. Most times, her Sisters will encourage her to reconnect with the Source.
Through prayer, words of affirmation, and connection to the Source, Sisters of P.M.S. make the necessary transitions to thrive and overcome. The use of Facebook has helped Sisters build their support system in unique and creative ways. You should consider joining the Urban Angels, LLC Facebook group.
Because God created each Urban Angel to fly by with greatness!!
It's another Flying-By-Friday!! The Urban Angels have landed again. This time they've landed on the Preach My Sister (P.M.S.)!! Facebook group for women only.
Many of the posts in P.M.S. relate to yesterday's Thriving-In-Transition Thursday, topic of remaining connected to the Source. The awesome thing about P.M.S. is that it is a very confidential and supportive group of spiritual women. Whenever a Sister is experiencing a life transition, she can always post her need for support. Most times, her Sisters will encourage her to reconnect with the Source.
Through prayer, words of affirmation, and connection to the Source, Sisters of P.M.S. make the necessary transitions to thrive and overcome. The use of Facebook has helped Sisters build their support system in unique and creative ways. You should consider joining the Urban Angels, LLC Facebook group.
Because God created each Urban Angel to fly by with greatness!!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Thriving-In-Transition Thursday!!
Greetings Global Villagers:
It's another Thriving-in-Transition Thursday!!
For the last few weeks, we have been discussing Marcia Perkins-Reed's perspective of being a Coper, which is a term that describes those of us who have "chosen immature and maladaptive strategies" [to manage life]" (p. 32). Some Coper characteristics are disconnection from spirituality, no sense of purpose, and rigid attitudes, to name a few.
I wanted us to discuss the disconnection from spirituality as a Coper characteristic. I believe it has a direct impact on us fulfilling the greatness in our own shoes. Those of us that are disconnected from spirituality, lack the roots from which to draw strength for support as life transitions occur (p. 35).
In order for us to thrive-in-transition, we must surrender to and connect with God!! Also, we can not fulfill the greatness in our own shoes if we are disconnected. Just like we can not light up our homes if the lamp cords are disconnected from the wall sockets, we can not fulfill the greatness in our own shoes if we are disconnected from spirituality.
So, let's thrive-in-transition and be great by connecting with the Source!!
It's another Thriving-in-Transition Thursday!!
For the last few weeks, we have been discussing Marcia Perkins-Reed's perspective of being a Coper, which is a term that describes those of us who have "chosen immature and maladaptive strategies" [to manage life]" (p. 32). Some Coper characteristics are disconnection from spirituality, no sense of purpose, and rigid attitudes, to name a few.
I wanted us to discuss the disconnection from spirituality as a Coper characteristic. I believe it has a direct impact on us fulfilling the greatness in our own shoes. Those of us that are disconnected from spirituality, lack the roots from which to draw strength for support as life transitions occur (p. 35).
In order for us to thrive-in-transition, we must surrender to and connect with God!! Also, we can not fulfill the greatness in our own shoes if we are disconnected. Just like we can not light up our homes if the lamp cords are disconnected from the wall sockets, we can not fulfill the greatness in our own shoes if we are disconnected from spirituality.
So, let's thrive-in-transition and be great by connecting with the Source!!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Wonderfully-Sexual Wednesday!!
Happy Hump Day Global Villagers:
Last Wonderfully-Sexual Wednesday, we discussed that we are multidimensional with spiritual, as well as sexual beings. As we know, our sexuality consists of five circles, which are Intimacy, Sensuality, Sexual Identity, Sexual Health and Reproduction, and Sexualization.
However, let's consider this: Why were we created as sexual beings? What is the original intent of our sexuality?
Let's talk about this!! I would love to hear your thoughts/beliefs!! Please comment below!!
Last Wonderfully-Sexual Wednesday, we discussed that we are multidimensional with spiritual, as well as sexual beings. As we know, our sexuality consists of five circles, which are Intimacy, Sensuality, Sexual Identity, Sexual Health and Reproduction, and Sexualization.
However, let's consider this: Why were we created as sexual beings? What is the original intent of our sexuality?
Let's talk about this!! I would love to hear your thoughts/beliefs!! Please comment below!!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Introspective Tuesday!!
Greetings Global Villagers,
It's Introspective Tuesday!! Let's reconsider the following quote by Boyte & Kari (1994) from this week's Magnificent Monday,
Do we agree that our thoughts at age 16 were the driving force of our actions? Now that we are adults, let's consider what drives us? Is it our careers, family, financial security, a greater good, spiritual well-being, or health and fitness?
The point I'm trying to make is that we behave according to our thoughts. My challenge is for us to ponder what we are thinking about. If we do so, then we will discover that what we think about the most is manifested in our actions.
So, on this Introspective Tuesday, let's think about what we are thinking about...
Because God created us with the power to shape our greatness!!
It's Introspective Tuesday!! Let's reconsider the following quote by Boyte & Kari (1994) from this week's Magnificent Monday,
"The way people imagine what they can and ought to do powerfully shapes how they act" (p. 25).Let's think back to when we were 16-years old. What was the most important thing to us during that time? Was it school, sports, our boyfriend/girlfriend, place of worship, or friends? Now, let's think back to when we were 25-years old considering the same question? What was important to us? Again, but now let's consider us at our present age? How have our actions changed from age 16 to the present?
Do we agree that our thoughts at age 16 were the driving force of our actions? Now that we are adults, let's consider what drives us? Is it our careers, family, financial security, a greater good, spiritual well-being, or health and fitness?
The point I'm trying to make is that we behave according to our thoughts. My challenge is for us to ponder what we are thinking about. If we do so, then we will discover that what we think about the most is manifested in our actions.
So, on this Introspective Tuesday, let's think about what we are thinking about...
Because God created us with the power to shape our greatness!!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Magnificent Monday!!
Greetings Global Villagers:
On this Magnificent Monday, we will consider the following quote from Building America: The Democratic Promise of Public Work by Harry C. Boyte and Nancy N. Kari,
Let's consider the social problem of homelessness, for example. A new organization by the name of We Feed the Homeless Philly, grew to over 500 supporters and volunteers in a little over a year. Why? Because the Founder and CEO, Craig Stroman, decided that he had to and could feed the homeless. His imagination, not only renewed the vision for his life, yet it powerfully sparked the latent possibilities in others to do public work.
So on this Magnificent Monday, I want us to think about how we can powerfully transform and revolutionize our world for the greater good.
Because God created us with the power to fulfill our greatness!!
On this Magnificent Monday, we will consider the following quote from Building America: The Democratic Promise of Public Work by Harry C. Boyte and Nancy N. Kari,
"The way people imagine what they can and ought to do powerfully shapes how they act" (p. 25).Remember when we talked about the fact that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are directly connected. We are not only what we eat; we are and do according to what we think. If we think that we are going to have a bad day, then we will have a bad day. If we think that we are powerless to make any changes on our jobs or in our personal lives, then we close ourselves off to the possibilities of transformation and revolution.
Let's consider the social problem of homelessness, for example. A new organization by the name of We Feed the Homeless Philly, grew to over 500 supporters and volunteers in a little over a year. Why? Because the Founder and CEO, Craig Stroman, decided that he had to and could feed the homeless. His imagination, not only renewed the vision for his life, yet it powerfully sparked the latent possibilities in others to do public work.
So on this Magnificent Monday, I want us to think about how we can powerfully transform and revolutionize our world for the greater good.
Because God created us with the power to fulfill our greatness!!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Greetings Global Villagers and Urban Angels, LLC:
It's another Flying-By-Friday!! Has anyone seen any Angels lately?
A few weeks ago they landed at a quaint spot in East Falls. I got word that some of them landed at the Campbell's Ballpark for the 4th Annual Indoor/Outdoor White Linen Affair Cancer/Leo Birthday Bash in Camden, NJ. They helped Chef Smiley of Happy Face Catering celebrate his birthday. This event was a perfect place for them to land since it called for all white attire.
Urban Angels, LLC loves to land and share moments of laughter. Let's continue on the discussion that we've been having this week about balance. The various landings that we share about on Flying-By-Fridays are ways that the Angels channel their power to focus on building relationships with each other.
This is so important to remember when using social media networks. Yes, it is great for us to "Friend", "Follow", "Connect", and "Like" each other. However, as we all know, relationships are truly built from face to face interactions. Relationships become stronger when we transfer the connections that are established from cyberspace into our physical space where we utilize our senses to maximize our moments.
Remember, one way to bring balance into our lives is by focusing on the things that matter most, which are relationships.
Because God created each Urban Angel to fly by with greatness!!
It's another Flying-By-Friday!! Has anyone seen any Angels lately?
A few weeks ago they landed at a quaint spot in East Falls. I got word that some of them landed at the Campbell's Ballpark for the 4th Annual Indoor/Outdoor White Linen Affair Cancer/Leo Birthday Bash in Camden, NJ. They helped Chef Smiley of Happy Face Catering celebrate his birthday. This event was a perfect place for them to land since it called for all white attire.
Urban Angels, LLC loves to land and share moments of laughter. Let's continue on the discussion that we've been having this week about balance. The various landings that we share about on Flying-By-Fridays are ways that the Angels channel their power to focus on building relationships with each other.
This is so important to remember when using social media networks. Yes, it is great for us to "Friend", "Follow", "Connect", and "Like" each other. However, as we all know, relationships are truly built from face to face interactions. Relationships become stronger when we transfer the connections that are established from cyberspace into our physical space where we utilize our senses to maximize our moments.
Remember, one way to bring balance into our lives is by focusing on the things that matter most, which are relationships.
Because God created each Urban Angel to fly by with greatness!!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Thriving-In-Transition Thursday!!
Greetings Global Villagers:
I'm excited about how we are thriving-in-transition!!
Last week, we discussed Marcia Perkins-Reed's perspective of being a Coper, which is a term that describes those of us who have "chosen immature and maladaptive strategies" [to manage life]" (p. 32). Perkins-Reed also stated that Copers "are achievement oriented...[they] place an unwarranted emphasis on external things and less attention on relationships, hopes, desires and passions, and innate creative abilities" (p. 46).
This is a perfect addition to our discussion on Canfield, Hansen, & Hewitt's (2000) B-ALERT strategy from this Magnificent Monday. Those of us who are Copers do not channel our power to focus on bringing balance into our lives. Some ways to identify if we are Copers is to ask ourselves the following questions:
For those of us who identified as Copers, we should reconsider the B-ALERT strategy. It's a good way to begin channeling our power to focus on balancing our lives and living effectively as life transitions.
Because God has created us with the greatness to thrive-in-transition!!
I'm excited about how we are thriving-in-transition!!
Last week, we discussed Marcia Perkins-Reed's perspective of being a Coper, which is a term that describes those of us who have "chosen immature and maladaptive strategies" [to manage life]" (p. 32). Perkins-Reed also stated that Copers "are achievement oriented...[they] place an unwarranted emphasis on external things and less attention on relationships, hopes, desires and passions, and innate creative abilities" (p. 46).
This is a perfect addition to our discussion on Canfield, Hansen, & Hewitt's (2000) B-ALERT strategy from this Magnificent Monday. Those of us who are Copers do not channel our power to focus on bringing balance into our lives. Some ways to identify if we are Copers is to ask ourselves the following questions:
- Am I a workaholic?
- How much emphasis do I put on achieving my goals? Is it at the expense of my relationships?
- Can I identify myself other than as my professional role, job title, or business venture?
- Do I choose work over family, friends, vacation, etc.
For those of us who identified as Copers, we should reconsider the B-ALERT strategy. It's a good way to begin channeling our power to focus on balancing our lives and living effectively as life transitions.
Because God has created us with the greatness to thrive-in-transition!!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Wonderfully-Sexual Wednesday!!
Happy Hump Day Global Villagers:
Do you know that you are wonderfully-sexual? Yes, you are! Do you really understand what I mean when I say that you are wonderfully-sexual? No? Well, let me explain!!
We are multi-dimensional beings. We are spiritual beings who reside in physical bodies that possess souls. Our souls comprise of our emotional, psychological, and social beings, in which all work together as organic, unique, and dynamic micro-systems. Pastor Creflo Dollar shared in his April/May 2010 newsletter article titled, The Soul/Spirit Connection, something very similar. He also wrote that "our souls are made up of our mind, will, and emotions."
Included in our souls is our sexual beings. As we know our sexual beings are made up of five circles, which are Intimacy, Sensuality, Sexual Identity, Sexual Health and Reproduction, and Sexualization. Like other parts of us, our sexual beings are multi-dimensional. There is more to our sexual beings than our sexual orientation, like being heterosexual, for example, or having a high-sex drive. Looking at our sexuality from this angle stirs up thoughts full of wonder!!
Because God wonderfully created every aspect of us with greatness!!
Do you know that you are wonderfully-sexual? Yes, you are! Do you really understand what I mean when I say that you are wonderfully-sexual? No? Well, let me explain!!
We are multi-dimensional beings. We are spiritual beings who reside in physical bodies that possess souls. Our souls comprise of our emotional, psychological, and social beings, in which all work together as organic, unique, and dynamic micro-systems. Pastor Creflo Dollar shared in his April/May 2010 newsletter article titled, The Soul/Spirit Connection, something very similar. He also wrote that "our souls are made up of our mind, will, and emotions."
Included in our souls is our sexual beings. As we know our sexual beings are made up of five circles, which are Intimacy, Sensuality, Sexual Identity, Sexual Health and Reproduction, and Sexualization. Like other parts of us, our sexual beings are multi-dimensional. There is more to our sexual beings than our sexual orientation, like being heterosexual, for example, or having a high-sex drive. Looking at our sexuality from this angle stirs up thoughts full of wonder!!
Because God wonderfully created every aspect of us with greatness!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Introspective Tuesday!!
Happy Introspective Tuesday Global Villagers:
OMG, where do I begin?
I have so many different directions that I want to take us on this Introspective Tuesday!! Because I need to focus on one topic of introspection I think I will stick with the inspiration from this week's Magnificent Monday. We began discussing ways to be successful explained by Canfield, Hansen, & Hewitt (2000), the authors of The Power of Focus.
It's going to be short and sweet on this Introspective Tuesday!! In order to be successful, we must develop and focus on accomplishing our goals. Remember back on a Magnificent Monday when we were challenged to write a 10-year life plan? Did you take the challenge seriously? If you didn't, then why?
Let's calmly channel our power to focus on fulfilling the greatness in our own shoes!!
OMG, where do I begin?
I have so many different directions that I want to take us on this Introspective Tuesday!! Because I need to focus on one topic of introspection I think I will stick with the inspiration from this week's Magnificent Monday. We began discussing ways to be successful explained by Canfield, Hansen, & Hewitt (2000), the authors of The Power of Focus.
It's going to be short and sweet on this Introspective Tuesday!! In order to be successful, we must develop and focus on accomplishing our goals. Remember back on a Magnificent Monday when we were challenged to write a 10-year life plan? Did you take the challenge seriously? If you didn't, then why?
Let's calmly channel our power to focus on fulfilling the greatness in our own shoes!!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Magnificent Monday!!
Greetings Global Villagers:
It's another Magnificent Monday and we will be discussing the power of focus!!
Canfield, Hansen, & Hewitt (2000), the authors of The Power of Focus, stated that the main reason why people are unsuccessful is because they lack focus. They developed 10 strategies that I think can help us to fulfill the greatness in our own shoes. Those of us who channel our power to focus on what we want will be successful and prosperous.
Balancing family, business, personal time, friendships, exercise, and other activities takes effort. We can become easily distracted by life's pressures. Canfield, Hansen, & Hewitt (2000), developed the B-ALERT strategy to help us remain focused on creating the optimum balance of life:
B-lueprint: Develop a daily strategic plan for our priorities, appointments, and projects. Review our plan nightly or early every morning.
A-ction: Concentrate on the most important activities that will move us towards accomplishing our goals.
L-earning: Expand our knowledge through reading materials, watching DVDs, building relationships with mentors, and taking courses.
E-xercise: Take control of our longevity. Re-energize ourselves by exercising for 30 minutes daily.
R-elaxation: Eliminate daily stress, take naps, meditate, listen to music, and spend time with friends and family.
T-hink: Take time to reflect on the day. Review goals, visualize the future, develop new ideas, and use a journal.
So, let's channel our power to focus and B-ALERT.
Because it's a Magnificent Monday and we have the power to fulfill our greatness!!
It's another Magnificent Monday and we will be discussing the power of focus!!
Canfield, Hansen, & Hewitt (2000), the authors of The Power of Focus, stated that the main reason why people are unsuccessful is because they lack focus. They developed 10 strategies that I think can help us to fulfill the greatness in our own shoes. Those of us who channel our power to focus on what we want will be successful and prosperous.
Balancing family, business, personal time, friendships, exercise, and other activities takes effort. We can become easily distracted by life's pressures. Canfield, Hansen, & Hewitt (2000), developed the B-ALERT strategy to help us remain focused on creating the optimum balance of life:
B-lueprint: Develop a daily strategic plan for our priorities, appointments, and projects. Review our plan nightly or early every morning.
A-ction: Concentrate on the most important activities that will move us towards accomplishing our goals.
L-earning: Expand our knowledge through reading materials, watching DVDs, building relationships with mentors, and taking courses.
E-xercise: Take control of our longevity. Re-energize ourselves by exercising for 30 minutes daily.
R-elaxation: Eliminate daily stress, take naps, meditate, listen to music, and spend time with friends and family.
T-hink: Take time to reflect on the day. Review goals, visualize the future, develop new ideas, and use a journal.
So, let's channel our power to focus and B-ALERT.
Because it's a Magnificent Monday and we have the power to fulfill our greatness!!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Greetings Global Villagers and Urban Angels, LLC:
We have had great discussions this week about triggers. But not all triggers are negative nor do all of them evoke adverse feelings. Some triggers are positive and evoke friendship, support, trust, and commitment.
Urban Angels, LLC is a diverse group of over 1800 members. One of the great benefits of being a member is that we can network with each other and have access to various resources. For instance, one of the leaders of the group reached out to me for support with a major project that he has been working on for three years. Through word-of-mouth, relationship-building, and connecting, he entrusted my input and expertise. This triggered feelings of gratefulness, humility, and honor within me.
Hopefully, as we begin working together, we will build a friendship that will last beyond Facebook and other social media networks. Also, my hope is that this Flying-By-Friday blogspot will inspire members to share how they were positively triggered by someone else in the group. Maybe, just maybe, this will begin a pay-it-forward within Urban Angels, LLC.
Wanna join the V-formation? I hope so...
Because Urban Angels fly by with greatness!!
We have had great discussions this week about triggers. But not all triggers are negative nor do all of them evoke adverse feelings. Some triggers are positive and evoke friendship, support, trust, and commitment.
Urban Angels, LLC is a diverse group of over 1800 members. One of the great benefits of being a member is that we can network with each other and have access to various resources. For instance, one of the leaders of the group reached out to me for support with a major project that he has been working on for three years. Through word-of-mouth, relationship-building, and connecting, he entrusted my input and expertise. This triggered feelings of gratefulness, humility, and honor within me.
Hopefully, as we begin working together, we will build a friendship that will last beyond Facebook and other social media networks. Also, my hope is that this Flying-By-Friday blogspot will inspire members to share how they were positively triggered by someone else in the group. Maybe, just maybe, this will begin a pay-it-forward within Urban Angels, LLC.
Wanna join the V-formation? I hope so...
Because Urban Angels fly by with greatness!!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Thriving-In-Transition Thursday!!
Greetings Global Villagers:
All this week we have been talking about triggers. As a reminder, Marcia Perkins-Reed, the author of Thriving in Transition, declared that we are always in transition!!
In order to live our most effective lives, we must learn how to transition even after we have experienced painful and traumatic events. On last Thriving-In-Transition Thursday, we discussed various ways of operating at The New Zero by going with the flow of change. One of those ways is to allow for unpredictability.
What are the correlations of being triggered by past events to allowing for unpredictability to thriving in transition? I'm glad you've asked!! Perkins-Reed identified the Coper, which are those of us who have "chosen immature and maladaptive strategies" [to manage life. Also, Copers are those of us who] don't believe that we have any other choice, but to react as we have in the past" (p. 32).
We are triggered during unpredictable occurrences in our lives. Like I've shared on this Introspective Tuesday, I never intended to burst into tears when I smelled oregano for the first time in 7 years. It was an unpredictable occurrence. On the one hand, I could have 'coped' by choosing the immature strategy of never using or eating food seasoned with oregano again because of my initial reaction and how much it reminded me of my mother. On the other hand, I could have 'thrived' by allowing myself to transition from a place of grief and loss to a place of openness and freedom. I chose the latter. At that time, I chose to allow myself to cry, experience the sense of loss, and talk about my pain with my friend. Currently, I am thriving; I am free to eat food seasoned with oregano with no adverse feelings.
Are you a Coper? How do you handle your triggers? Do you go with the flow of unpredictable occurrences? Do you perceive that you have options? Just some food for thought...
Because you have the greatness to thrive in transition!!
All this week we have been talking about triggers. As a reminder, Marcia Perkins-Reed, the author of Thriving in Transition, declared that we are always in transition!!
In order to live our most effective lives, we must learn how to transition even after we have experienced painful and traumatic events. On last Thriving-In-Transition Thursday, we discussed various ways of operating at The New Zero by going with the flow of change. One of those ways is to allow for unpredictability.
What are the correlations of being triggered by past events to allowing for unpredictability to thriving in transition? I'm glad you've asked!! Perkins-Reed identified the Coper, which are those of us who have "chosen immature and maladaptive strategies" [to manage life. Also, Copers are those of us who] don't believe that we have any other choice, but to react as we have in the past" (p. 32).
We are triggered during unpredictable occurrences in our lives. Like I've shared on this Introspective Tuesday, I never intended to burst into tears when I smelled oregano for the first time in 7 years. It was an unpredictable occurrence. On the one hand, I could have 'coped' by choosing the immature strategy of never using or eating food seasoned with oregano again because of my initial reaction and how much it reminded me of my mother. On the other hand, I could have 'thrived' by allowing myself to transition from a place of grief and loss to a place of openness and freedom. I chose the latter. At that time, I chose to allow myself to cry, experience the sense of loss, and talk about my pain with my friend. Currently, I am thriving; I am free to eat food seasoned with oregano with no adverse feelings.
Are you a Coper? How do you handle your triggers? Do you go with the flow of unpredictable occurrences? Do you perceive that you have options? Just some food for thought...
Because you have the greatness to thrive in transition!!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Wonderfully-Sexual Wednesday!!
Happy Hump Day Global Villagers:
Instead of picking up where we left off from last week, I want us to continue on the topic of triggers from this week's Introspective Tuesday blog spot!
As we've shared on yesterday, the term trigger is used within the recovery community. In addition, people who are grieving may be triggered by something that reminds them of their deceased loved one. On this Wonderfully-Sexual Wednesday, let's discuss how people who have been sexually traumatized may be triggered.
Sexual trauma refers to sexual situations, in which we are unprepared for, that cause intense fear, powerlessness, shame, and guilt. People who have been sexually traumatized are left to deal with long-term emotional, psychological, and interpersonal problems, to name a few. Triggers from sexual trauma are automatic responses to present-day stimuli.
Like we discussed on yesterday, triggers of sexual trauma can be experienced as adverse emotions. Moreover, some triggers from sexual trauma may be experienced as physical sensations in the body. Even certain sexual acts can trigger our sexual trauma. Some people who have experienced sexual trauma may also experience post-traumatic stress disorder, known as PTSD, which is a type of anxiety disorder that is triggered by a traumatic event.
The Sexualization Circle of the Five Circles of Sexuality by the Advocates for Youth, refers to the use of sexuality to influence, control, or manipulate others. Forms of sexualization range from rape, incest, sexual harassment, withholding sex, to seduction and/or flirting. If a person has experienced sexual trauma, then the other person used his or her sexuality as a form of control.
To learn more about how present-day stimuli may trigger your past sexual trauma, consider taking my 8-session psycho-educational intervention titled, Demystifying Sexuality and the Impact of Trauma. For more information, please feel free to contact me at
Because every aspect of you was wonderfully created with greatness!!
Instead of picking up where we left off from last week, I want us to continue on the topic of triggers from this week's Introspective Tuesday blog spot!
As we've shared on yesterday, the term trigger is used within the recovery community. In addition, people who are grieving may be triggered by something that reminds them of their deceased loved one. On this Wonderfully-Sexual Wednesday, let's discuss how people who have been sexually traumatized may be triggered.
Sexual trauma refers to sexual situations, in which we are unprepared for, that cause intense fear, powerlessness, shame, and guilt. People who have been sexually traumatized are left to deal with long-term emotional, psychological, and interpersonal problems, to name a few. Triggers from sexual trauma are automatic responses to present-day stimuli.
Like we discussed on yesterday, triggers of sexual trauma can be experienced as adverse emotions. Moreover, some triggers from sexual trauma may be experienced as physical sensations in the body. Even certain sexual acts can trigger our sexual trauma. Some people who have experienced sexual trauma may also experience post-traumatic stress disorder, known as PTSD, which is a type of anxiety disorder that is triggered by a traumatic event.
The Sexualization Circle of the Five Circles of Sexuality by the Advocates for Youth, refers to the use of sexuality to influence, control, or manipulate others. Forms of sexualization range from rape, incest, sexual harassment, withholding sex, to seduction and/or flirting. If a person has experienced sexual trauma, then the other person used his or her sexuality as a form of control.
To learn more about how present-day stimuli may trigger your past sexual trauma, consider taking my 8-session psycho-educational intervention titled, Demystifying Sexuality and the Impact of Trauma. For more information, please feel free to contact me at
Because every aspect of you was wonderfully created with greatness!!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Introspective Tuesday!!
Greetings Global Villagers:
On this Introspective Tuesday, we will focus specifically on triggers.
The term trigger is used in several contexts. Those in the recovery community use the term trigger in reference to people, places, or things that evoke the desire to return to drugs and/or alcohol use. To avoid relapse, those in recovery are taught how to deal with their triggers. The first step is to identify those things in life that tempt them to use drugs and/or alcohol.
The term trigger is also used by those who are grieving a loss. Certain movies, smells, places, pictures, activities, or songs may trigger one's thoughts about their deceased loved one. These types of triggers can occur unexpectedly. For instance, my mother seasoned her food with oregano more often than anyone cared for. Seven years after her death while I was cooking dinner at a friend's house, I grabbed the oregano and began seasoning my food. I immediately burst into tears. Unbeknown to me, that was the first time I smelled oregano since her death. Unconsciously, I stopped using oregano because it reminded me of my mother. On that day, my grief was triggered and I experienced the feelings associated with losing her.
The point I'm trying to make on this Introspective Tuesday is that we are all triggered by someone or something. Most times, what others say or do, certain places, or specific things evoke adverse feelings or responses within us. When feelings or responses are brought to the surface we have to introspectively ask ourselves, "What is going on within me that is causing me to be in this state?" "Why is this (person, place, thing, or circumstance) bothering me?"
Please ponder the following concept:
Because you must address anything that hinders the fulfillment of your greatness!!
On this Introspective Tuesday, we will focus specifically on triggers.
The term trigger is used in several contexts. Those in the recovery community use the term trigger in reference to people, places, or things that evoke the desire to return to drugs and/or alcohol use. To avoid relapse, those in recovery are taught how to deal with their triggers. The first step is to identify those things in life that tempt them to use drugs and/or alcohol.
The term trigger is also used by those who are grieving a loss. Certain movies, smells, places, pictures, activities, or songs may trigger one's thoughts about their deceased loved one. These types of triggers can occur unexpectedly. For instance, my mother seasoned her food with oregano more often than anyone cared for. Seven years after her death while I was cooking dinner at a friend's house, I grabbed the oregano and began seasoning my food. I immediately burst into tears. Unbeknown to me, that was the first time I smelled oregano since her death. Unconsciously, I stopped using oregano because it reminded me of my mother. On that day, my grief was triggered and I experienced the feelings associated with losing her.
The point I'm trying to make on this Introspective Tuesday is that we are all triggered by someone or something. Most times, what others say or do, certain places, or specific things evoke adverse feelings or responses within us. When feelings or responses are brought to the surface we have to introspectively ask ourselves, "What is going on within me that is causing me to be in this state?" "Why is this (person, place, thing, or circumstance) bothering me?"
Please ponder the following concept:
"It's never about other people or external circumstances. It's always about us and the problem lies within us. Until we look within ourselves and figure out what needs to be sorted through, we will always be triggered in that area, wherever that area is."Selah...
Because you must address anything that hinders the fulfillment of your greatness!!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Magnificent Monday!!
It's a Magnificent Monday Global Villagers:
I hope you had a great weekend!!
It's a new day and the beginning of a new workweek. I want us to remember the definition of magnificent, which means to be great indeed or exceptionally fine. I want to ask you a question. What personal attributes do you possess that are great indeed? Oftentimes, we know our weaknesses. More often, we spend time trying to improve our weaknesses.
Let's try something different this week. Take some time on this Magnificent Monday to write down your attributes and strengths. After writing them down, then assess what needs to be done to strengthen them. For instance, I am the developer and facilitator of two 8-session group-level, psycho-educational curricula on human sexuality. One of my curricula is titled, Demystifying Sexuality and the Impact of Trauma. I am very confident in my group facilitation skills and my knowledge base of human sexuality as you can see in my Wonderfully-Sexual Wednesdays blog posts.
Excitedly, I was recently reintroduced to Toastmasters International, which provides a mutually supportive and positive learning environment for people to develop communication and leadership skills. I am considering joining the Philadelphia First Toastmaster Club to sharpen these specific skills.
So, let's make it a Magnificent Monday by strengthen your strengths this workweek. In turn, everything that you do will be great indeed.
Because it's a Magnificent Monday and you were created with greatness!!
I hope you had a great weekend!!
It's a new day and the beginning of a new workweek. I want us to remember the definition of magnificent, which means to be great indeed or exceptionally fine. I want to ask you a question. What personal attributes do you possess that are great indeed? Oftentimes, we know our weaknesses. More often, we spend time trying to improve our weaknesses.
Let's try something different this week. Take some time on this Magnificent Monday to write down your attributes and strengths. After writing them down, then assess what needs to be done to strengthen them. For instance, I am the developer and facilitator of two 8-session group-level, psycho-educational curricula on human sexuality. One of my curricula is titled, Demystifying Sexuality and the Impact of Trauma. I am very confident in my group facilitation skills and my knowledge base of human sexuality as you can see in my Wonderfully-Sexual Wednesdays blog posts.
Excitedly, I was recently reintroduced to Toastmasters International, which provides a mutually supportive and positive learning environment for people to develop communication and leadership skills. I am considering joining the Philadelphia First Toastmaster Club to sharpen these specific skills.
So, let's make it a Magnificent Monday by strengthen your strengths this workweek. In turn, everything that you do will be great indeed.
Because it's a Magnificent Monday and you were created with greatness!!
Friday, July 8, 2011
Greetings Global Villagers and Urban Angels, LLC:
What's up? I trust everyone had a great week, especially since it was a short one!!
One of the Angels of Preach My Sister (PMS), the for women only Facebook group of Urban Angels, LLC, and I landed at a quaint spot in East Falls. During our time together, we talked, ate, laughed, cried, exhorted, educated, enlightened, and even checked one another. It always fascinates me to connect with other women on what I consider to be 'gut level.' Very rarely do I find a woman who is willing to expose herself with another woman, especially one that she does not know. Better yet, a woman will not expose herself to another woman whom she met via Facebook.
Most times, women operate from a place of brokenness, competition, rejection, hurt, pain, mistrust, dishonesty, and pretense; consequently, they guard themselves from other women. This is not the case with PMS. The founder, Jena Williams, spreads her wings and leads the V-formation through the air for her Angels to follow. It is because of her that some of the women of PMS have met and connected. Friendships are being formed, support is being offered; love is being spread.
So on this Flying-By-Friday, I salute all of the Angels of PMS. Soar, Angels soar!!
Do I see you spreading your wings? I should be...
Because Urban Angels, LLC members fly by with greatness!
What's up? I trust everyone had a great week, especially since it was a short one!!
One of the Angels of Preach My Sister (PMS), the for women only Facebook group of Urban Angels, LLC, and I landed at a quaint spot in East Falls. During our time together, we talked, ate, laughed, cried, exhorted, educated, enlightened, and even checked one another. It always fascinates me to connect with other women on what I consider to be 'gut level.' Very rarely do I find a woman who is willing to expose herself with another woman, especially one that she does not know. Better yet, a woman will not expose herself to another woman whom she met via Facebook.
Most times, women operate from a place of brokenness, competition, rejection, hurt, pain, mistrust, dishonesty, and pretense; consequently, they guard themselves from other women. This is not the case with PMS. The founder, Jena Williams, spreads her wings and leads the V-formation through the air for her Angels to follow. It is because of her that some of the women of PMS have met and connected. Friendships are being formed, support is being offered; love is being spread.
So on this Flying-By-Friday, I salute all of the Angels of PMS. Soar, Angels soar!!
Do I see you spreading your wings? I should be...
Because Urban Angels, LLC members fly by with greatness!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Thriving-In-Transition Thursday!!
Greetings Global Villagers:
I know that you have been thriving-in-transition. I have and it has been such an awesome experience!!
Last week, we discussed how Marcia Perkins-Reed described the concept of The New Zero, which is accepting that change is the norm. On this Thriving-In-Transition Thursday, we will review ways of operating at The New Zero when circumstances in our lives shift. Remember, as life changes we must go with the flow. We can no longer manipulate our circumstances for the sake of self-comfort (p. 27).
Let's look at a few ways that we can go with the flow:
Because you have the greatness to thrive-in-transition!!
I know that you have been thriving-in-transition. I have and it has been such an awesome experience!!
Last week, we discussed how Marcia Perkins-Reed described the concept of The New Zero, which is accepting that change is the norm. On this Thriving-In-Transition Thursday, we will review ways of operating at The New Zero when circumstances in our lives shift. Remember, as life changes we must go with the flow. We can no longer manipulate our circumstances for the sake of self-comfort (p. 27).
Let's look at a few ways that we can go with the flow:
- Be fluid, not stable
- Allow room for unpredictability
- Know that life has multiple, simultaneous transitions
- Operate from a cyclical paradigm; life is not linear
- Be flexible
- Embrace diversity
- Take the courage to change careers if need be
- Stop procrastinating
- Be internally authentic
- Take self-responsibility (p.27)
Because you have the greatness to thrive-in-transition!!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Wonderfully-Sexual Wednesdays!!
Happy Hump Day Global Villagers:
Oftentimes when I share with people that I have written two curricula on the topic of human sexuality, they are either really leery or really interested!!
It still shocks me that this topic is still so taboo when our society is inundated with sex from billboards to Prime Time TV. Recently in late June, Governor Cuomo of New York just signed the same sex marriage bill into law. Moreover, back in April Ashley Judd disclosed her childhood sexual trauma in her memoirs titled, All That Is Bitter and Sweet.
The point I am trying to make is that people are engaging in sex, talking about sex, Skypeing sex, sexting, abusing others sexually, etc., but they are not learning about human sexuality. The five circles of sexuality provide a clear understanding that our sexual beings function as a system.
Advocates for Youth has created The Circles of Human Sexuality handout. Please click the link, review the handout, and comment below. Let's talk about this maturely and end the taboo.
Because every aspect of you was wonderfully created with greatness!!
Oftentimes when I share with people that I have written two curricula on the topic of human sexuality, they are either really leery or really interested!!
It still shocks me that this topic is still so taboo when our society is inundated with sex from billboards to Prime Time TV. Recently in late June, Governor Cuomo of New York just signed the same sex marriage bill into law. Moreover, back in April Ashley Judd disclosed her childhood sexual trauma in her memoirs titled, All That Is Bitter and Sweet.
The point I am trying to make is that people are engaging in sex, talking about sex, Skypeing sex, sexting, abusing others sexually, etc., but they are not learning about human sexuality. The five circles of sexuality provide a clear understanding that our sexual beings function as a system.
Advocates for Youth has created The Circles of Human Sexuality handout. Please click the link, review the handout, and comment below. Let's talk about this maturely and end the taboo.
Because every aspect of you was wonderfully created with greatness!!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Introspective Tuesday!!
Greetings Global Villagers:
Boy, have I had plenty of opportunities to engage in introspection this past weekend!! I love my life! I am meeting so many different types of people and doing some great things.
Because I am open to the life lessons from every social interaction, I glean from each person I meet. Whether I view interactions as positive or negative, I still come out better than I was before the engagement.
On this Introspective Tuesday, I want us to ponder on two words: authenticity and transparency. According to Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, to be authentic means to be real, actual, and true to one's personality and character. To be transparent means freedom from pretense and deceit and readily understood.
When you interact with people for the first time do you send your representative or are you authentic? Are you transparent and easily understood, not leaving the other person wondering what you meant or are you vague and unclear?
Let's return to living our greatest lives by following the golden rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated. If you want honest interaction, then be honest. If you want to have a clear understanding of the grounds of the new relationship, then provide clarity. If you want to truly know the person you are dealing with, then be authentic and transparent.
Being authentic and transparent sheds light on other people's pretense and deceit. Make a vow to yourself today to allow your 'little light to shine.'
Because your greatness is authentic; so, don't darken it with pretense!!
Boy, have I had plenty of opportunities to engage in introspection this past weekend!! I love my life! I am meeting so many different types of people and doing some great things.
Because I am open to the life lessons from every social interaction, I glean from each person I meet. Whether I view interactions as positive or negative, I still come out better than I was before the engagement.
On this Introspective Tuesday, I want us to ponder on two words: authenticity and transparency. According to Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, to be authentic means to be real, actual, and true to one's personality and character. To be transparent means freedom from pretense and deceit and readily understood.
When you interact with people for the first time do you send your representative or are you authentic? Are you transparent and easily understood, not leaving the other person wondering what you meant or are you vague and unclear?
Let's return to living our greatest lives by following the golden rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated. If you want honest interaction, then be honest. If you want to have a clear understanding of the grounds of the new relationship, then provide clarity. If you want to truly know the person you are dealing with, then be authentic and transparent.
Being authentic and transparent sheds light on other people's pretense and deceit. Make a vow to yourself today to allow your 'little light to shine.'
Because your greatness is authentic; so, don't darken it with pretense!!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Magnificent Monday!
Greetings Global Villagers:
Not only is it a Magnificent Monday, but it's Independence Day!!
So, let's use our independence to be safe and positive; live our lives to the fullest; enjoy our family and friends; and get some much needed rest!
Because you were created with greatness!!
Not only is it a Magnificent Monday, but it's Independence Day!!
So, let's use our independence to be safe and positive; live our lives to the fullest; enjoy our family and friends; and get some much needed rest!
Because you were created with greatness!!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Greetings Global Villagers and Urban Angels, LLC:
It's Flying-by-Friday and the Urban Angels have landed right here on Ms. Latisha Helps Blogspot!!
However, this is not the only place they landed this week. Two Urban Angels met on Wednesday in the Germantown section of Philadelphia and had a 'grown folk' conversation. The conversation went 'full circle' as my fellow Angel and I rapped for over two hours. We talked about family, work, children, race, politics, the food industry, peoples' characters...Man, it was an awesome experience!!
The point I am trying to make is that Facebook and the various groups that are created on it serves a great purpose. Like everything else in life, we are the architects of our Facebook experience. For instance, my fellow Angel shared his heart for children with me and I shared my passion for writing and connecting with people. In our sharing, we were able to brainstorm on ways that we can connect and support one another's efforts. I must admit that if it were not for Facebook and the Urban Angels, LLC group, I would not have ever been blessed by his presence.
So as you are enjoying your Independence Day weekend, be the sole architect of your experiences. Make your life great!!
Do I see you spreading your wings? I should be...
Because Urban Angels, LLC members fly by with greatness!!
It's Flying-by-Friday and the Urban Angels have landed right here on Ms. Latisha Helps Blogspot!!
However, this is not the only place they landed this week. Two Urban Angels met on Wednesday in the Germantown section of Philadelphia and had a 'grown folk' conversation. The conversation went 'full circle' as my fellow Angel and I rapped for over two hours. We talked about family, work, children, race, politics, the food industry, peoples' characters...Man, it was an awesome experience!!
The point I am trying to make is that Facebook and the various groups that are created on it serves a great purpose. Like everything else in life, we are the architects of our Facebook experience. For instance, my fellow Angel shared his heart for children with me and I shared my passion for writing and connecting with people. In our sharing, we were able to brainstorm on ways that we can connect and support one another's efforts. I must admit that if it were not for Facebook and the Urban Angels, LLC group, I would not have ever been blessed by his presence.
So as you are enjoying your Independence Day weekend, be the sole architect of your experiences. Make your life great!!
Do I see you spreading your wings? I should be...
Because Urban Angels, LLC members fly by with greatness!!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Thriving-In-Transition Thursday
Happy Thriving-In-Transition Thursday!!
Global Villagers, what transitions have you made this week? Did you take the challenge from this week's Magnificent Monday blog to write out your 10-year life plan?
For some of us, planning out our lives 10 years in advance may require us to make mental, emotional, and spiritual transitions. Last week, we discussed the ways that we may operate at The Old Zero, which is living in denial, refusing to take responsibility, and refusing to grow in all areas of life. Today, we will discuss Perkins-Reed's concept of The New Zero, who wrote,
So continue to make the mental, emotional, and spiritual transitions that are needed to plan out your greatest life while embracing that change is the norm.
Because you have the greatness to thrive-in-transition!!
Global Villagers, what transitions have you made this week? Did you take the challenge from this week's Magnificent Monday blog to write out your 10-year life plan?
For some of us, planning out our lives 10 years in advance may require us to make mental, emotional, and spiritual transitions. Last week, we discussed the ways that we may operate at The Old Zero, which is living in denial, refusing to take responsibility, and refusing to grow in all areas of life. Today, we will discuss Perkins-Reed's concept of The New Zero, who wrote,
"The New Zero is a fluid, dynamic, discontinuous life map. [It] requires that we develop the ability to flow with the changes that confront us rather than resisting them and to accept that change is the norm and not the exception" (pp. 10, 24).It is imperative to embrace this concept of operating at the baseline of "The New Zero" when developing a 10-year life plan. Life is constantly shifting. In order to thrive-in-transitions we must set goals and make plans, which helps to keep us grounded and focused on living our greatest lives.
So continue to make the mental, emotional, and spiritual transitions that are needed to plan out your greatest life while embracing that change is the norm.
Because you have the greatness to thrive-in-transition!!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Wonderfully-Sexual Wednesday
Happy Hump Day Global Villagers,
It's a Wonderfully-Sexual Wednesday!! So, what do you think about the 5 circles of sexuality, which are
It's a Wonderfully-Sexual Wednesday!! So, what do you think about the 5 circles of sexuality, which are
Sexual Identity
Sexual Health and Reproduction
When I first learned of this context of sexuality, I was immediately intrigued. This context broadened my scope of human sexuality. Also, I gained insight into my own sexual being. I learned that my context was formed based on my sexual experiences, both positive and negative. Thus, my context was socially-formed, according to Tracey Steele.
What context was your sexuality formed from? Religious? Political? Social? Please review the respective hyperlinks and comment on this blog. I would like to hear about your views on the context of sexuality.
Because every aspect of you was wonderfully created with greatness!!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Introspective Tuesdays
Greetings Global Villagers,
Today is Introspective Tuesday and I want us to reflect on creating 10-year life plans. On yesterday, I encouraged you to write out your 10-year life plan. Today, I want you to reflect on where you were emotionally, spiritually, physically, and psychologically this time last year.
When I think back to June 28th, 2010, I had just became a pescatarian, I was exercising five days a week, eating home-cooked meals regularly, and drinking 1/2 gallon of water daily. Today, I am still doing all of these things, but not at the same momentum. During one of my recent moments of introspection, I asked myself, "What happened to my disciplined lifestyle?"
I had not considered the two major outer transitions that occurred in my life back in September 2010. Then, I had to accept that I did not make the inner transitions to remain disciplined. One of my outer transitions evoked disappointment and the other evoked excitement. For example, I began traveling to Baltimore every weekend, which was very exciting to me. As a result of my new venture, I allowed my emotions to take over. Thus, instead of being rational and thinking forward by packing prepared meals and workout clothes, I fell back from exercising regularly and began dining out more.
Reflecting on the example I just gave, ask youself, "Where was I this time last year? Have I fallen back, remained at status quo, or are am I excelling at a task?" Just something to ponder...
Because you must know that you were created with greatness!!
Today is Introspective Tuesday and I want us to reflect on creating 10-year life plans. On yesterday, I encouraged you to write out your 10-year life plan. Today, I want you to reflect on where you were emotionally, spiritually, physically, and psychologically this time last year.
When I think back to June 28th, 2010, I had just became a pescatarian, I was exercising five days a week, eating home-cooked meals regularly, and drinking 1/2 gallon of water daily. Today, I am still doing all of these things, but not at the same momentum. During one of my recent moments of introspection, I asked myself, "What happened to my disciplined lifestyle?"
I had not considered the two major outer transitions that occurred in my life back in September 2010. Then, I had to accept that I did not make the inner transitions to remain disciplined. One of my outer transitions evoked disappointment and the other evoked excitement. For example, I began traveling to Baltimore every weekend, which was very exciting to me. As a result of my new venture, I allowed my emotions to take over. Thus, instead of being rational and thinking forward by packing prepared meals and workout clothes, I fell back from exercising regularly and began dining out more.
Reflecting on the example I just gave, ask youself, "Where was I this time last year? Have I fallen back, remained at status quo, or are am I excelling at a task?" Just something to ponder...
Because you must know that you were created with greatness!!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Magnificent Mondays
It's a Magnificent Monday Global Villagers:
I hope you were able to plan and enjoy some relaxing events over the weekend. I did! I attended JB Productions Professional Friday's, The Comeback 2011--Philly Style hosted by IM3Media, and Chef Smiley's Luau. It was a great and eventful weekend filled with fun and laughter!!
On yesterday while I was preparing for this week, I was reminded through a message I was listening to by world renowned, Dr. Cindy Trimm, that 2011 was the beginning of a new decade. Can you believe that over half of the year has passed already? Whew!!! In the message Dr. Trimm stated, "What you did in the first quarter of the year/decade will determine the remainder."
As a writer, I am constantly journaling and taking notes. So, I went over my journals and reflected on the things I have done this year thus far. It was refreshing to know that I've accomplished more this year than I did last year around this time.
Dr. Trimm challenged her listeners to envision and write a 10-year plan for their lives. I took the challenge and categorized my 10-year plan by personal, professional, and spiritual goals that I want to accomplish by 2020.
In turn, I want to challenge you to do the same. As you are planning for the week, take some time and ask yourself this question, "Where do I see myself in December 2020?"
Because it is a Magnificent Monday and you will fulfill your greatness in 2020!!
I hope you were able to plan and enjoy some relaxing events over the weekend. I did! I attended JB Productions Professional Friday's, The Comeback 2011--Philly Style hosted by IM3Media, and Chef Smiley's Luau. It was a great and eventful weekend filled with fun and laughter!!
On yesterday while I was preparing for this week, I was reminded through a message I was listening to by world renowned, Dr. Cindy Trimm, that 2011 was the beginning of a new decade. Can you believe that over half of the year has passed already? Whew!!! In the message Dr. Trimm stated, "What you did in the first quarter of the year/decade will determine the remainder."
As a writer, I am constantly journaling and taking notes. So, I went over my journals and reflected on the things I have done this year thus far. It was refreshing to know that I've accomplished more this year than I did last year around this time.
Dr. Trimm challenged her listeners to envision and write a 10-year plan for their lives. I took the challenge and categorized my 10-year plan by personal, professional, and spiritual goals that I want to accomplish by 2020.
In turn, I want to challenge you to do the same. As you are planning for the week, take some time and ask yourself this question, "Where do I see myself in December 2020?"
Because it is a Magnificent Monday and you will fulfill your greatness in 2020!!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Flying By Fridays
Greetings Global Villagers and Urban Angels, LLC!!
Today brings a close to the launching of my new weekly series and today is the beginning of Flying By Fridays. This assigned topic is inspired by one of my Facebook networking groups titled Venus vs Mars, which was developed by Jena Williams, the founder of Urban Angels, LLC.
This group began in December 2010 and has grown to over 1700 members. Once a month, the Urban Angels join with Jamahal Boyd's JB Production's Professional Friday's and lands in the three-dimensional realm. Professional Friday's provides a landing for professional men and women to share resources and develop opportunities for growth. The next Professional Friday's will be held tonight from 5 pm to 10 pm at Mad River Manayunk in Philadelphia.
Every Friday, the Urban Angels will land right here on mslatishahelps.blogspot. Without disclosing identifying information, you will have the opportunity to be enlightened by some of the mature conversations between the women (Venus) and men (Mars) of the group. For instance, a fellow Urban Angel and I landed this week in North Philadelphia. During our landing, we conversed on the topic of sweat equity, which is an agreement made upon a person's efforts. We concurred that we both use our unique gifts, cooking and writing, respectively, as sweat equity in making connections and sealing deals. We sealed the deal that Urban Angels, LLC was the reason for our connection and it was the beginning of a great friendship.
Do I see you spreading your wings? I should be...
Because Urban Angels, LLC members fly by with greatness!!
Today brings a close to the launching of my new weekly series and today is the beginning of Flying By Fridays. This assigned topic is inspired by one of my Facebook networking groups titled Venus vs Mars, which was developed by Jena Williams, the founder of Urban Angels, LLC.
This group began in December 2010 and has grown to over 1700 members. Once a month, the Urban Angels join with Jamahal Boyd's JB Production's Professional Friday's and lands in the three-dimensional realm. Professional Friday's provides a landing for professional men and women to share resources and develop opportunities for growth. The next Professional Friday's will be held tonight from 5 pm to 10 pm at Mad River Manayunk in Philadelphia.
Every Friday, the Urban Angels will land right here on mslatishahelps.blogspot. Without disclosing identifying information, you will have the opportunity to be enlightened by some of the mature conversations between the women (Venus) and men (Mars) of the group. For instance, a fellow Urban Angel and I landed this week in North Philadelphia. During our landing, we conversed on the topic of sweat equity, which is an agreement made upon a person's efforts. We concurred that we both use our unique gifts, cooking and writing, respectively, as sweat equity in making connections and sealing deals. We sealed the deal that Urban Angels, LLC was the reason for our connection and it was the beginning of a great friendship.
Do I see you spreading your wings? I should be...
Because Urban Angels, LLC members fly by with greatness!!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Thriving in Transition Thursdays
Great Day Global Villagers:
It's Thriving in Transition Thursday!!
Last week, we began to understand Marcia Perkins-Reed's concept of operating at Old Zero, which is the denial of our inner experiences and the refusal of taking responsibility through life's transitions (p .9). When we operate at Old Zero we are also denying and refusing personal and spiritual growth. Perkins-Reed describes transition as, "a shift from one situation or state of being to another, whether gradual or abrupt" (p. 21).
Undergoing daily transitions or encountering life-changing events forces us to be decisive. It is up to us whether we are going to resist or to be open to and fluid with the process. Another way to understand transitioning is to consider yourself as "passing from one state to another" (p.21).
For instance, I am a widow. I have underwent the states of being single, never married, to being married, to being separated, to being widowed. During each state, I have experienced inner and outer transitions. Each state brought its own challenges where I had to make a decision to either remain in the previous state or transition into the next state. When I was first married I had to learn to share my chocolate ice cream with my husband. This may be trivial, but I had to transition from knowing that when I came home from work that my chocolate ice cream was waiting for me to coming home with the possibility that my husband ate it.
My Old Zero operation was selfishness. It was not just about the chocolate ice cream because I quickly learned that I was selfish in other areas of our marriage. I grew personally and spiritually when I began to flow as a considerate sharer. I want to encourage you to think about the different states of being you have transitioned through. What challenges did they bring? What did you learn about yourself during those transitions? In what areas do you see growth?
Because you have the greatness to thrive in transition!!
It's Thriving in Transition Thursday!!
Last week, we began to understand Marcia Perkins-Reed's concept of operating at Old Zero, which is the denial of our inner experiences and the refusal of taking responsibility through life's transitions (p .9). When we operate at Old Zero we are also denying and refusing personal and spiritual growth. Perkins-Reed describes transition as, "a shift from one situation or state of being to another, whether gradual or abrupt" (p. 21).
Undergoing daily transitions or encountering life-changing events forces us to be decisive. It is up to us whether we are going to resist or to be open to and fluid with the process. Another way to understand transitioning is to consider yourself as "passing from one state to another" (p.21).
For instance, I am a widow. I have underwent the states of being single, never married, to being married, to being separated, to being widowed. During each state, I have experienced inner and outer transitions. Each state brought its own challenges where I had to make a decision to either remain in the previous state or transition into the next state. When I was first married I had to learn to share my chocolate ice cream with my husband. This may be trivial, but I had to transition from knowing that when I came home from work that my chocolate ice cream was waiting for me to coming home with the possibility that my husband ate it.
My Old Zero operation was selfishness. It was not just about the chocolate ice cream because I quickly learned that I was selfish in other areas of our marriage. I grew personally and spiritually when I began to flow as a considerate sharer. I want to encourage you to think about the different states of being you have transitioned through. What challenges did they bring? What did you learn about yourself during those transitions? In what areas do you see growth?
Because you have the greatness to thrive in transition!!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Wonderfully Sexual Wednesdays
Happy Hump Day Global Villagers!!
You may be wondering Hump Day...Wonderfully Sexual Wednesdays...What is this all about? I'm so glad you asked. Remember...this is a new week and a new day!! Every Hump Day, we will be exploring topics surrounding human sexuality.
The contextual framework for our discussions on Wonderfully Sexual Wednesdays is adapted from Life Planning Education created by Advocates for Youth, which is located in Washington, DC. Dennis M. Dailey, Professor Emeritus, University of Kansas, derived the five circles of sexuality based on the initial work of Harvey Gochros.
We are mental beings, emotional beings, physical beings, social beings, and spiritual beings; similarly, we are sexual beings. And yes, there are five circles or aspects to our sexuality. Oftentimes, we confuse sex and intimacy or we identify our sexuality based on our sexual behaviors. In other words, we view our sexuality from a narrow scope. Let's enlarge our mental territory and embrace our sexuality in its totality.
The five circles of our sexuality are:
You may be wondering Hump Day...Wonderfully Sexual Wednesdays...What is this all about? I'm so glad you asked. Remember...this is a new week and a new day!! Every Hump Day, we will be exploring topics surrounding human sexuality.
The contextual framework for our discussions on Wonderfully Sexual Wednesdays is adapted from Life Planning Education created by Advocates for Youth, which is located in Washington, DC. Dennis M. Dailey, Professor Emeritus, University of Kansas, derived the five circles of sexuality based on the initial work of Harvey Gochros.
We are mental beings, emotional beings, physical beings, social beings, and spiritual beings; similarly, we are sexual beings. And yes, there are five circles or aspects to our sexuality. Oftentimes, we confuse sex and intimacy or we identify our sexuality based on our sexual behaviors. In other words, we view our sexuality from a narrow scope. Let's enlarge our mental territory and embrace our sexuality in its totality.
The five circles of our sexuality are:
Sexual Identity
Sexual Health and Reproduction
Did you know that you even had five circles to your sexuality? Now that you are enlightened to the five circles, I want us to look forward to our purposeful discussions about this topic to gain a broader scope and deeper understanding of our sexuality. Please note that every aspect of our beings has a purpose and an intent. Let's get back to the intentionality of our sexuality and make it wonderful!!
What are your thoughts? Comment on them.
Because every aspect of you was wonderfully created with greatness!!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Introspective Tuesdays
Great Day Global Villagers:
I trust you had a Magnificent Monday!! Again, this week launches my new series and today begins the assignment of Introspective Tuesdays.
Introspection is the open, candid examination of our own thoughts and feelings. Each of us is busy. Do not mistaken what I am going to say; we must be productive in order to fulfill our greatness. However, there are times that we are so busy with completing our day-to-day tasks that we forget to schedule in times of self-reflection.
Although we were created with greatness, we are still fallible. We can discern people and situations incorrectly; the motives of our actions may be impure; or simply, we may be ignorant to some things. Either way, it is inevitable that we will experience both success and failure as we are fulfilling the greatness in our own shoes. The question is, 'How are we going to handle our failures?'. Are we going to make excuses, blame others, or ignore them altogether? I hope the answer is, 'NO!'
Any unresolved issue, negative feeling, or misconception may potentially hinder the fulfillment of our greatness. Thus, Introspective Tuesdays will afford us with the opportunities to be honest with ourselves.
Why Introspective Tuesdays?
Because we need to remove anything that obstructs our greatness!!
I trust you had a Magnificent Monday!! Again, this week launches my new series and today begins the assignment of Introspective Tuesdays.
Introspection is the open, candid examination of our own thoughts and feelings. Each of us is busy. Do not mistaken what I am going to say; we must be productive in order to fulfill our greatness. However, there are times that we are so busy with completing our day-to-day tasks that we forget to schedule in times of self-reflection.
Although we were created with greatness, we are still fallible. We can discern people and situations incorrectly; the motives of our actions may be impure; or simply, we may be ignorant to some things. Either way, it is inevitable that we will experience both success and failure as we are fulfilling the greatness in our own shoes. The question is, 'How are we going to handle our failures?'. Are we going to make excuses, blame others, or ignore them altogether? I hope the answer is, 'NO!'
Any unresolved issue, negative feeling, or misconception may potentially hinder the fulfillment of our greatness. Thus, Introspective Tuesdays will afford us with the opportunities to be honest with ourselves.
Why Introspective Tuesdays?
Because we need to remove anything that obstructs our greatness!!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Magnificent Mondays
It's a Magnificent Monday Global Villagers:
I hope you enjoyed your Father's Day weekend!!
It's a new day and I am thriving in transition!! I want you to thrive with me as MsLatishaHelps Blogspot transitions into greatness. Each weekday, there will be a central theme for our discussions. Today is the inception of my weekly series titled, Magnificent Mondays.
The definition of magnificent is to be great indeed or exceptionally fine. I want us to begin every workweek with this concept, which may challenge us to undergo a paradigm shift. According to cognitive behavioral therapy, a form of psychotherapy, we can overcome our difficulties by changing our thinking, behavior, and emotional responses. With that being noted, if we begin our workweek angry, frustrated, or disgusted about what occurred over the weekend or about having to return to work, then our behaviors and emotional responses will reflect those thoughts.
So, let's make it a Magnificent Monday!! Let's begin every workweek from this day forward knowing that things are great indeed or that things will turn out exceptionally fine.
Because it's a Magnificent Monday and you were created with greatness!!
I hope you enjoyed your Father's Day weekend!!
It's a new day and I am thriving in transition!! I want you to thrive with me as MsLatishaHelps Blogspot transitions into greatness. Each weekday, there will be a central theme for our discussions. Today is the inception of my weekly series titled, Magnificent Mondays.
The definition of magnificent is to be great indeed or exceptionally fine. I want us to begin every workweek with this concept, which may challenge us to undergo a paradigm shift. According to cognitive behavioral therapy, a form of psychotherapy, we can overcome our difficulties by changing our thinking, behavior, and emotional responses. With that being noted, if we begin our workweek angry, frustrated, or disgusted about what occurred over the weekend or about having to return to work, then our behaviors and emotional responses will reflect those thoughts.
So, let's make it a Magnificent Monday!! Let's begin every workweek from this day forward knowing that things are great indeed or that things will turn out exceptionally fine.
Because it's a Magnificent Monday and you were created with greatness!!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Happy Father's Day!!
TGIF Global Villagers:
It's Friday and Father's Day weekend!!
Today's blog topic is short and sweet. While you are honoring and celebrating your natural, foster, adopted, and spiritual fathers, please remember to first honor and celebrate your Heavenly Father.
Because He is the One that created you with greatness!!
It's Friday and Father's Day weekend!!
Today's blog topic is short and sweet. While you are honoring and celebrating your natural, foster, adopted, and spiritual fathers, please remember to first honor and celebrate your Heavenly Father.
Because He is the One that created you with greatness!!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Thriving in Transition Thursdays!!
Greetings Global Villagers:
I'm excited to introduce to you my new series titled, Thriving in Transition Thursdays. Every Thursday, I will share golden nuggets to help you successfully transition in life from the book titled, Thriving in Transition: Effective Living in Times of Change by Marcia Perkins-Reed. This book serves as a practical guide to making the changes in your life work for you. Perkins-Reed immediately grabbed my attention in the Introduction when she wrote "transition is occurring all around us and within us" (p. 9). After I read that statement I took a selah moment. It reminded me that we all have inner and outer worlds that are in a constant state of change.
Dr. Deepak Chopra, a spiritual teacher who responded to a posted question on, stated that "the inner and outer worlds are deeply connected." We have the power of choice to allow or disallow our inner world or ourselves from experiencing the fullness of life as it constantly transitions. When we choose to disallow our inner world to transition as the outer world is transitioning, then we are stuck at what Perkins-Reed refers to as Old Zero (p. 9). In layman's terms, operating at Old Zero is putting up a front, refusing to take responsibility, or denying our inner worlds when the outer world is transitioning all around us.
For instance, if we do not allow ourselves to experience the feelings associated with and undergo the stages of grief when we lose a loved one, then we are operating at Old Zero. If we blame our boss for disliking us when we are terminated from our job, then we are operating at Old Zero. If we use our children as pawns to control our ex-spouses, then we are operating at Old Zero.
We need to be more aware of what is occurring within our inner worlds when the outer world is transitioning. I frequently share with others, "The true essence of my state of being is not predicated upon what happened to me or what others said or did to me. The true essence of my state of being is predicated upon my perception what happened to me or what others said or did to me. It is always about my chosen responses." Selah.
Because you have the greatness to thrive in transition!!
I'm excited to introduce to you my new series titled, Thriving in Transition Thursdays. Every Thursday, I will share golden nuggets to help you successfully transition in life from the book titled, Thriving in Transition: Effective Living in Times of Change by Marcia Perkins-Reed. This book serves as a practical guide to making the changes in your life work for you. Perkins-Reed immediately grabbed my attention in the Introduction when she wrote "transition is occurring all around us and within us" (p. 9). After I read that statement I took a selah moment. It reminded me that we all have inner and outer worlds that are in a constant state of change.
Dr. Deepak Chopra, a spiritual teacher who responded to a posted question on, stated that "the inner and outer worlds are deeply connected." We have the power of choice to allow or disallow our inner world or ourselves from experiencing the fullness of life as it constantly transitions. When we choose to disallow our inner world to transition as the outer world is transitioning, then we are stuck at what Perkins-Reed refers to as Old Zero (p. 9). In layman's terms, operating at Old Zero is putting up a front, refusing to take responsibility, or denying our inner worlds when the outer world is transitioning all around us.
For instance, if we do not allow ourselves to experience the feelings associated with and undergo the stages of grief when we lose a loved one, then we are operating at Old Zero. If we blame our boss for disliking us when we are terminated from our job, then we are operating at Old Zero. If we use our children as pawns to control our ex-spouses, then we are operating at Old Zero.
We need to be more aware of what is occurring within our inner worlds when the outer world is transitioning. I frequently share with others, "The true essence of my state of being is not predicated upon what happened to me or what others said or did to me. The true essence of my state of being is predicated upon my perception what happened to me or what others said or did to me. It is always about my chosen responses." Selah.
Because you have the greatness to thrive in transition!!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Creatively Great
Happy Hump Day Global Villagers!!
For me, yesterday was eventful and emotional.
First, I interviewed two awesome women who are in different stages of their entrepreneurial pursuits. Secondly, I reconnected with an old acquaintance who expressed her feelings of lost of my association and her desire to connect with me on a regular basis. Also, she informed me that her brother has Stage IV cancer. Next, I talked to a former participant of my Demystifying Sexuality and Its Impact on Trauma intervention. She expressed to me how her participation in my intervention changed her life. Also, I am finally receiving the professional support, expertise, and assistance on my job that has been missing for 2 years. And those are just a few of the events that occurred.
From joy to excitement to satisfaction to confusion to sadness to shock to relief to gratitude, I experienced a myriad of emotions. The irony to all of this is that I composed a poem titled, End of Conversation, in the midst of everything that occurred on yesterday. Also, composing the poem in the midst of everything revealed unto me that I am creatively great.
You may be wondering what it means to be creatively great. Let's look at it this way. Greatness and creativity go hand-in-hand. Once you discover your greatness and begin to function in it, then and only then do you discover the depth of your greatness. Candidly speaking, most of you discovered your greatness during a crisis, your most painful experience, or your weakest moment. In retrospect, you realized that during those experiences you had to become creative to conquer the giant that was standing in front of you. This is what I mean by being creatively great. You did not succumb to your crisis, emotions, or weaknesses. You tapped into your creativity!!
Being creatively great is authentic, relative, and individualistic. The poem I wrote yesterday displays that I am creatively great. Not because I profess to be the next Maya Angelou, but because of the circumstances surrounding its composition. I want to encourage you to remember that despite of what you may be experiencing or feeling continue to excavate the depth within you.
Because you are creatively great!!
For me, yesterday was eventful and emotional.
First, I interviewed two awesome women who are in different stages of their entrepreneurial pursuits. Secondly, I reconnected with an old acquaintance who expressed her feelings of lost of my association and her desire to connect with me on a regular basis. Also, she informed me that her brother has Stage IV cancer. Next, I talked to a former participant of my Demystifying Sexuality and Its Impact on Trauma intervention. She expressed to me how her participation in my intervention changed her life. Also, I am finally receiving the professional support, expertise, and assistance on my job that has been missing for 2 years. And those are just a few of the events that occurred.
From joy to excitement to satisfaction to confusion to sadness to shock to relief to gratitude, I experienced a myriad of emotions. The irony to all of this is that I composed a poem titled, End of Conversation, in the midst of everything that occurred on yesterday. Also, composing the poem in the midst of everything revealed unto me that I am creatively great.
You may be wondering what it means to be creatively great. Let's look at it this way. Greatness and creativity go hand-in-hand. Once you discover your greatness and begin to function in it, then and only then do you discover the depth of your greatness. Candidly speaking, most of you discovered your greatness during a crisis, your most painful experience, or your weakest moment. In retrospect, you realized that during those experiences you had to become creative to conquer the giant that was standing in front of you. This is what I mean by being creatively great. You did not succumb to your crisis, emotions, or weaknesses. You tapped into your creativity!!
Being creatively great is authentic, relative, and individualistic. The poem I wrote yesterday displays that I am creatively great. Not because I profess to be the next Maya Angelou, but because of the circumstances surrounding its composition. I want to encourage you to remember that despite of what you may be experiencing or feeling continue to excavate the depth within you.
Because you are creatively great!!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Protecting Your Greatness
Happy Tuesday Global Villagers!
Today's topic is about protecting the greatness that lies within you.
You may already know the importance of protecting your greatness, but sometimes a reminder is needed. While you are fulfilling your greatness you will travel to many new places and meet many different types of people, which is always exciting. As you read last week, every person has greatness lying within them. Also as you read a few weeks ago, there are some people in the world and within the global village who choose to be socially deviant. Using deviant and underminding efforts, they will try to mar you, your image, and your greatness. I like to call them greatness marrers. We must be aware of these type of people.
My suggestion for you today is trust your instinct. Regardless of what people say or do, you will know if you have encountered a greatness marrer. If you have encountered one, then reposition yourself accordingly and be great anyway!!
Because you were created with greatness!!
Today's topic is about protecting the greatness that lies within you.
You may already know the importance of protecting your greatness, but sometimes a reminder is needed. While you are fulfilling your greatness you will travel to many new places and meet many different types of people, which is always exciting. As you read last week, every person has greatness lying within them. Also as you read a few weeks ago, there are some people in the world and within the global village who choose to be socially deviant. Using deviant and underminding efforts, they will try to mar you, your image, and your greatness. I like to call them greatness marrers. We must be aware of these type of people.
My suggestion for you today is trust your instinct. Regardless of what people say or do, you will know if you have encountered a greatness marrer. If you have encountered one, then reposition yourself accordingly and be great anyway!!
Because you were created with greatness!!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Plan for Greatness
Happy Monday Global Villagers!!
I trust you had a wonderful weekend. As you know, great people need balance. All work and no play dulls your greatness. After enjoying a weekend of socialization, relaxation, and spiritual renewal, you may have a tendency to dread Monday mornings.
Depending on your belief system, you may view either Saturdays, Sundays, or Mondays as the beginning of a new week. Regardless of which day you make this demarcation, the point is that it is a new week!! Whether on Saturdays, Sundays, or Mondays, take the time to plan out your new week.
Here are three practical tips that will assist you in planning for greatness:
Because you were created with greatness!!
I trust you had a wonderful weekend. As you know, great people need balance. All work and no play dulls your greatness. After enjoying a weekend of socialization, relaxation, and spiritual renewal, you may have a tendency to dread Monday mornings.
Depending on your belief system, you may view either Saturdays, Sundays, or Mondays as the beginning of a new week. Regardless of which day you make this demarcation, the point is that it is a new week!! Whether on Saturdays, Sundays, or Mondays, take the time to plan out your new week.
Here are three practical tips that will assist you in planning for greatness:
- Develop a list of the goals you want to accomplish for the week.
- As you accomplish your weekly goals, scratch them off your list.
- Reward yourself for your accomplishments.
Because you were created with greatness!!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Motivations for Sharing Yourself
Good am Global Villagers:
My heart is heavy today. I read a blog yesterday titled, Why Do People Share Private Information On Social Media? This blog stirred up several concerns for me. The blogger posed a series of questions, which were "Why do people share private information to begin with?...Is it loneliness? Is it just attention seeking?"
When I read these questions I had to stop myself from becoming judgmental towards the blogger because I understand that there was a purpose for the blog: to reach teenagers and to warn people of the consequences of engaging in unacceptable behaviors within the global village.
However, being a human services practitioner, I have worked with numerous people that are lonely due to estranged familial relationships or poor interpersonal skills based on some form of childhood trauma. For some people, social media networks have become a part of their group identity. It offers them a sense of connectivity and belongingness.
The other point I want to bring up is that we all need attention. We all seek positive reinforcement, and we all need positive affirmation. I believe to some extent each of us can be selfish. We all expect reciprocity from the relationships we are involved in. This idea is supported by Maslow's theory of human motivation. Our self-worth and self-esteem increase when we are affiliated with others.
With that being stated, I do not disagree with the blogger. It can be dangerous to share personal information, whether it is with one person or within the global village. We all take risks in sharing who we are with others. This is the reason why we must be comfortable within ourselves. Self-acceptance prevents us from being affected by others if they decide to mishandle us through judgment, criticism, or gossip.
Thus, I want to challenge you to introspectively seek within yourself and decide what you are comfortable with sharing. Ask yourself, "What have I overcome in this life? Am I ready to share that victory with others to help them overcome their struggles?" After answering these questions, and then as you feel led, share yourself with others. They need to hear your voice of triumph. Let helping others be your human motivation for sharing yourself. It is up to them how they perceive you and what they do with the information you share. Regardless of what they do, we must share ourselves anyway.
Because you were created with greatness!
My heart is heavy today. I read a blog yesterday titled, Why Do People Share Private Information On Social Media? This blog stirred up several concerns for me. The blogger posed a series of questions, which were "Why do people share private information to begin with?...Is it loneliness? Is it just attention seeking?"
When I read these questions I had to stop myself from becoming judgmental towards the blogger because I understand that there was a purpose for the blog: to reach teenagers and to warn people of the consequences of engaging in unacceptable behaviors within the global village.
However, being a human services practitioner, I have worked with numerous people that are lonely due to estranged familial relationships or poor interpersonal skills based on some form of childhood trauma. For some people, social media networks have become a part of their group identity. It offers them a sense of connectivity and belongingness.
The other point I want to bring up is that we all need attention. We all seek positive reinforcement, and we all need positive affirmation. I believe to some extent each of us can be selfish. We all expect reciprocity from the relationships we are involved in. This idea is supported by Maslow's theory of human motivation. Our self-worth and self-esteem increase when we are affiliated with others.
With that being stated, I do not disagree with the blogger. It can be dangerous to share personal information, whether it is with one person or within the global village. We all take risks in sharing who we are with others. This is the reason why we must be comfortable within ourselves. Self-acceptance prevents us from being affected by others if they decide to mishandle us through judgment, criticism, or gossip.
Thus, I want to challenge you to introspectively seek within yourself and decide what you are comfortable with sharing. Ask yourself, "What have I overcome in this life? Am I ready to share that victory with others to help them overcome their struggles?" After answering these questions, and then as you feel led, share yourself with others. They need to hear your voice of triumph. Let helping others be your human motivation for sharing yourself. It is up to them how they perceive you and what they do with the information you share. Regardless of what they do, we must share ourselves anyway.
Because you were created with greatness!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
The Greatness In Each Of Us
Good am Global Villagers:
Yesterday, the Founder of my professional social networking group, Urban Angels, LLC, posted a question on Facebook in reference to being in love with a special person that is not destined to be a life partner. I received the text notification of the post while I was at the hospital visiting my special friend. All I could say to myself was, "Wow, I am affiliated with the right group at the right time in my life."
I am currectly dealing with this very real life situation. My special friend is a great man. He is caring, loving, considerate, passionate, giving, forgiving, honest, thoughtful, dedicated, committed, and he loves me. Yet, I know that despite of all of these wonderful attributes that each of us, whether male or female, want in a life partner he is not my destined husband.
Knowing who you are, trusting the greatness that lies within you, and following the Directed Path all come with a great price. Sometimes that price consists of the heart-wrenching renegotiation of the terms of certain relationships. Whether it is a childhood best friend, co-worker, or business partner, each of us will face the decision of letting go of an un-destined person, regardless of our feelings.
Out of the many lessons that my special friend has taught me, the greatest lesson is that just because someone is not destined to be a life partner does not discredit the greatness that lies within him/her.
I want to encourage those of you who have given up on finding a life partner. Please take note that there are great people in this world. A part of following the Directed Path means that we have to guard ourselves by not jumping on the first train smoking, even if it does say, "Next Stop: Philadelphia." What if that Amtrak train is scheduled to stop at 30th Street Station, but the Broad Street Terminal is closer to your destination? Selah. (Pause and calmly think about that.)
I dedicate this blog to my special friend. I love and appreciate you! Why? Because you exude with greatness!
Yesterday, the Founder of my professional social networking group, Urban Angels, LLC, posted a question on Facebook in reference to being in love with a special person that is not destined to be a life partner. I received the text notification of the post while I was at the hospital visiting my special friend. All I could say to myself was, "Wow, I am affiliated with the right group at the right time in my life."
I am currectly dealing with this very real life situation. My special friend is a great man. He is caring, loving, considerate, passionate, giving, forgiving, honest, thoughtful, dedicated, committed, and he loves me. Yet, I know that despite of all of these wonderful attributes that each of us, whether male or female, want in a life partner he is not my destined husband.
Knowing who you are, trusting the greatness that lies within you, and following the Directed Path all come with a great price. Sometimes that price consists of the heart-wrenching renegotiation of the terms of certain relationships. Whether it is a childhood best friend, co-worker, or business partner, each of us will face the decision of letting go of an un-destined person, regardless of our feelings.
Out of the many lessons that my special friend has taught me, the greatest lesson is that just because someone is not destined to be a life partner does not discredit the greatness that lies within him/her.
I want to encourage those of you who have given up on finding a life partner. Please take note that there are great people in this world. A part of following the Directed Path means that we have to guard ourselves by not jumping on the first train smoking, even if it does say, "Next Stop: Philadelphia." What if that Amtrak train is scheduled to stop at 30th Street Station, but the Broad Street Terminal is closer to your destination? Selah. (Pause and calmly think about that.)
I dedicate this blog to my special friend. I love and appreciate you! Why? Because you exude with greatness!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Be Great Anyway!
Happy Hump Day Global Villagers!!
Today's discussion was inspired by a poem I read yesterday titled, 'Anyway'. The author is unknown; however, the words of the poem were written on Mother Teresa's wall in Calcutta. This poem reminded me that I was created with a great purpose that must be fulfilled anyway.
From this point forward, I will allow the poem to speak for itself.
Because you were created with greatness!
Today's discussion was inspired by a poem I read yesterday titled, 'Anyway'. The author is unknown; however, the words of the poem were written on Mother Teresa's wall in Calcutta. This poem reminded me that I was created with a great purpose that must be fulfilled anyway.
From this point forward, I will allow the poem to speak for itself.
People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self centered,
Forgive them anyway
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives
Be kind anyway
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies
Succeed anyway
If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you
Be honest and sincere anyway
What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight
Create anyway
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous
Be happy anyway
The good you do today, will often be forgotten
Do good anyway
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough
Give your best anyway
In the final analysis, it is between you and God
It was never between you and them anyway
Why?Because you were created with greatness!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
The "P" Word
Remember as children, even sometimes now as adults, we were told, "You have to crawl before you walk." Boy, I now have a deeper understanding of what my elders were trying to convey to me.
Everything in life is a process. As my BFF says, "The process, the "P" word we all love to hate." During my times of intro- and retrospection, I arrived at this place in my life in stages. There were a serious of events that occurred to either move, lead, drag, or catapult me from one stage to another. Unbeknownst to me at the time, all of the events were working together for me to be right here, right now.
I know that you have probably said at one time or another, "time is of the essence." Well, time is of the essence, is actually a legal phrase. In layman's terms, it means that two parties have agreed upon specified time and dates to complete an assigned task and any delay of completion will be grounds for cancelling the agreement (The Legal Dictionary/Free Dictionary). We often use this phrase within our daily functions, but we must remember that everything takes time. Cultivating a loving marriage, earning a master's degree, building a successful business, grieving the loss of a loved one, losing weight, healing a broken leg, etc. The list goes on.
Time is of the essence if you are using it unproductively. So, I encourage you to use your time wisely and trust the process of life as you discover who you are, your place in the world, and even in this global village.
Because you were created with greatness!
Everything in life is a process. As my BFF says, "The process, the "P" word we all love to hate." During my times of intro- and retrospection, I arrived at this place in my life in stages. There were a serious of events that occurred to either move, lead, drag, or catapult me from one stage to another. Unbeknownst to me at the time, all of the events were working together for me to be right here, right now.
I know that you have probably said at one time or another, "time is of the essence." Well, time is of the essence, is actually a legal phrase. In layman's terms, it means that two parties have agreed upon specified time and dates to complete an assigned task and any delay of completion will be grounds for cancelling the agreement (The Legal Dictionary/Free Dictionary). We often use this phrase within our daily functions, but we must remember that everything takes time. Cultivating a loving marriage, earning a master's degree, building a successful business, grieving the loss of a loved one, losing weight, healing a broken leg, etc. The list goes on.
Time is of the essence if you are using it unproductively. So, I encourage you to use your time wisely and trust the process of life as you discover who you are, your place in the world, and even in this global village.
Because you were created with greatness!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Blind Faith??
Blind faith?? Isn't that an oxymoron?
Merrian-Webster's Learner Dictionary gives the example that faith is accepting something as true without proof or evidence. This translates that we may not understand or have the resources or information that we need at the present time to see how things will work out. We simply trust that they will.
Another way of looking at faith is the belief in what has not manifested or can be experienced with the natural senses. Our imagination and understanding have eyes. Everything that we experience with our natural senses began with a thought. For instance, I thought about today's blog topic before I sat down and started typing. Someone thought about the design of the device, whether it is a laptop, cell phone, or IPad, that you are using to read this blog. Thus, there is no such thing as blind faith. With the eyes of our imagination and understanding, we possess the proof and evidence of everything that there is to experience in this life.
The most powerful thing that you possess are your thoughts. They are responsible for your sucesses or failures. They create your wealth or cause you to remain in poverty. You can live in the gutter or the penthouse. It's all in your thoughts. Do you want your circumstances to change? If so, then change what you see with the eyes of your imagination and understanding.
If you can see it, then we will see it.
Because you were created with greatness!!
Merrian-Webster's Learner Dictionary gives the example that faith is accepting something as true without proof or evidence. This translates that we may not understand or have the resources or information that we need at the present time to see how things will work out. We simply trust that they will.
Another way of looking at faith is the belief in what has not manifested or can be experienced with the natural senses. Our imagination and understanding have eyes. Everything that we experience with our natural senses began with a thought. For instance, I thought about today's blog topic before I sat down and started typing. Someone thought about the design of the device, whether it is a laptop, cell phone, or IPad, that you are using to read this blog. Thus, there is no such thing as blind faith. With the eyes of our imagination and understanding, we possess the proof and evidence of everything that there is to experience in this life.
The most powerful thing that you possess are your thoughts. They are responsible for your sucesses or failures. They create your wealth or cause you to remain in poverty. You can live in the gutter or the penthouse. It's all in your thoughts. Do you want your circumstances to change? If so, then change what you see with the eyes of your imagination and understanding.
If you can see it, then we will see it.
Because you were created with greatness!!
Friday, June 3, 2011
Our Global Village
TGIF Global Villagers!!
We have seen the term global village, but where did it derive from? What does it mean to be a global villager? The term was derived from Marshall McLuhan, author of Understanding Media. The Internet and its ever expanding usage operates as a global village. It is the 'place' where people search for affiliation and communities without physical limitations.
The global village is an ever-changing macrocosm with its own culture, economic system, language, etiquette, values, and norms. We use mediums like Facebook, Twitter, chat rooms, blogs, Skype, and LinkedIn to network socially and professionally. We do business, post photo albums, pay our bills, and talk face-to-face with our family members 5,000 miles away. Consequently, like any other place, it has its social deviants that steal identities, do scams, hack into programs, and launch terrorist attacks with viruses
Each one of us is a part of this global village. You are not alone. Get connected. You have something that the world needs. Offer it to them in our global village. Write an Ebook or facilitate a workshop using Cisco WebEx. Global villagers, you, can change the world, literally.
Because you were created with greatness!
We have seen the term global village, but where did it derive from? What does it mean to be a global villager? The term was derived from Marshall McLuhan, author of Understanding Media. The Internet and its ever expanding usage operates as a global village. It is the 'place' where people search for affiliation and communities without physical limitations.
The global village is an ever-changing macrocosm with its own culture, economic system, language, etiquette, values, and norms. We use mediums like Facebook, Twitter, chat rooms, blogs, Skype, and LinkedIn to network socially and professionally. We do business, post photo albums, pay our bills, and talk face-to-face with our family members 5,000 miles away. Consequently, like any other place, it has its social deviants that steal identities, do scams, hack into programs, and launch terrorist attacks with viruses
Each one of us is a part of this global village. You are not alone. Get connected. You have something that the world needs. Offer it to them in our global village. Write an Ebook or facilitate a workshop using Cisco WebEx. Global villagers, you, can change the world, literally.
Because you were created with greatness!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
The Common Denominator
Happy Thursday!!
I am a part of a social media networking group on Facebook titled Venus vs Mars (VVM) under the auspices of Urban Angels, LLC. VVM bridges the gap of communication between professional men and women. It is an open forum to discuss mature topics related to family, life, love, friendships, relationships, etc.
Last night one of our members posted a question about relationships in reference to the ability to identify when and if a person is the 'right' one. I loved this question! All of my past relationship faux pas flooded back into my mind. It triggered thoughts about my personal decision-making process when it came to all of my relationships, not just with intimate partners.
There was a time in my life that I blamed everyone else for failed relationships, whether they were familial, professional, social, personal, etc. Like most of us, it was during my darkest night that I had an epiphany that I was the common denominator in all of my relationships. A list of questions about my authenticity followed this blinding revelation:
I am a part of a social media networking group on Facebook titled Venus vs Mars (VVM) under the auspices of Urban Angels, LLC. VVM bridges the gap of communication between professional men and women. It is an open forum to discuss mature topics related to family, life, love, friendships, relationships, etc.
Last night one of our members posted a question about relationships in reference to the ability to identify when and if a person is the 'right' one. I loved this question! All of my past relationship faux pas flooded back into my mind. It triggered thoughts about my personal decision-making process when it came to all of my relationships, not just with intimate partners.
There was a time in my life that I blamed everyone else for failed relationships, whether they were familial, professional, social, personal, etc. Like most of us, it was during my darkest night that I had an epiphany that I was the common denominator in all of my relationships. A list of questions about my authenticity followed this blinding revelation:
- Who am I?
- Am I being genuine?
- What am I adding to others' lives? What am I depleting from them?
- What are my hang-ups, weaknesses, and idiosyncrasies?
- What are my true motives and intentions?
These questions forced me to do a heart-wrenching self assessment. Thus, I realized that I was the problem in most of relationships. Not excusing others' behaviors, but I had to stop blaming others and take responsible for my attitude, actions, and responses.
Knowledge alone is not power. The knowledge that you apply to your life's situations is power. Therefore, with the knowledge that I am the common denominator in my life, my decision-making process is based on my authenticity. I know what I am bringing to the table. Do you?
Because you were created with greatness.
Because you were created with greatness.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Is it really Hump Day?
Happy Hump Day!!
Or is it really Hump Day? Can we consider Wednesday hump day if we were off on the previous Monday? Well, regardless of whether you consider today Hump Day or not, I want you to know that it is a new day!! Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow is yet to come. Live for this day!!
What is on your agenda for today? Does it align with the goals you set out to accomplish for the year, month, or, week? If not, then get over the hump by rearranging your priorities. I encourage you to get back on your course to accomplish your goals!
Why? Because you were created with greatness!!
Happy Wednesday!!
Or is it really Hump Day? Can we consider Wednesday hump day if we were off on the previous Monday? Well, regardless of whether you consider today Hump Day or not, I want you to know that it is a new day!! Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow is yet to come. Live for this day!!
What is on your agenda for today? Does it align with the goals you set out to accomplish for the year, month, or, week? If not, then get over the hump by rearranging your priorities. I encourage you to get back on your course to accomplish your goals!
Why? Because you were created with greatness!!
Happy Wednesday!!
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